
By kellie1115 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Rowlesburg

Today, my boyfriend and I were having a serious conversation about our future. Somehow it turned into a 10-minute discussion about what time of day we usually take a crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 575
You deserved it 5 890

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OP - "So I was thinking that we should buy a new place somew..." Boyfriend - "I really need a shit, when do you normally take a shit?" ^ am I on the right track?

Five months from now he will be standing outside the only bathroom waiting for you to finish pooping because he forgot the time you normally go, while you remembered his poop schedule, and then you will appriciate that conversation.


Well at least you two are open about it :P

Pancakemines 0

You're going to need to know this crap when there's three kids and a small animal living in an apartment with you and only one bathroom, or when you get older and it takes half an hour to evacuate your bowels. You speak of covering all your bases as if it's a bad thing.

juicifer 0

Both relevant topics I'll have you know..I like to play carol king...makes the bowel movement more of a catharsis...ahh..nothing like a catharsis and dropping the Cosby kids off at the pool

This just shows you're right for each other

Well crap, that must have been a load off! I always worry about men dumping women after a "serious" talk. Sounds like you've paid your deuce, though. We're you talking about dropping your future kids off at the pool (don't forget the floaters!)? Just log this into your diary and move on with your relationshit. Good luck!

perdix 29

I'm sure this string of puns will be mighty poopular with the readers.

^ Yes, I'm certain this will just "bowel" them over in laughter. :p

Well at least you still together, the talk about the future as seen on her ends relationships =S