
By kellie1115 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Rowlesburg

Today, my boyfriend and I were having a serious conversation about our future. Somehow it turned into a 10-minute discussion about what time of day we usually take a crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 575
You deserved it 5 890

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OP - "So I was thinking that we should buy a new place somew..." Boyfriend - "I really need a shit, when do you normally take a shit?" ^ am I on the right track?

Five months from now he will be standing outside the only bathroom waiting for you to finish pooping because he forgot the time you normally go, while you remembered his poop schedule, and then you will appriciate that conversation.


no I can totally see it. -- "Let's get a place together." "One bed, one bath?" "Well, maybe two bath- depending on how often/ what timing your daily ***** occur." "After lunch?" "Before breakfast." "Okay- one bathroom will do."

Perfect relationship, that's a keeper!

Well knowing when you both poop you can make sure you are not in the bathroom at that time.

Not gonna lie, you should probably marry him