
By kellie1115 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Rowlesburg

Today, my boyfriend and I were having a serious conversation about our future. Somehow it turned into a 10-minute discussion about what time of day we usually take a crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 573
You deserved it 5 889

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OP - "So I was thinking that we should buy a new place somew..." Boyfriend - "I really need a shit, when do you normally take a shit?" ^ am I on the right track?

Five months from now he will be standing outside the only bathroom waiting for you to finish pooping because he forgot the time you normally go, while you remembered his poop schedule, and then you will appriciate that conversation.


Am I the only one that can't schedule or predict their #2s?

tit4tat22 3

Am I the only one who is taking a dump while reading this?

KittyJay 3

That's a good sign, that you can talk about stuff like that

98 - Why, yes, many people have a poop schedule. For these people, you can usually tell when they are off their schedule or someone's distracting them from getting to their destination (i.e. the toilet) when they are dodging you back and forth, trying to hurry up the conversation or forcefully shove you out of the way mumbling, "Sshhiittt!" as they hurry awkwardly down the hall trying to retain the gopher. It's best advice to be quiet and make way for them.

^ Poop schedules? Haha! Now everybody is talking about poop! You're not alone!

I guess that's why you talk about your shit.. Or else u would B full of it. Good thing