
By Anonymous - 29/03/2009 01:33 - United States

Today, my sister brought her class hamster home from school. Somehow it escaped from its cage, and ran into my room. My boyfriend, thinking it was a mouse, stomped on it. I'm stuck cleaning hamster guts from my carpet, and have to explain to a kindergarten class what happened to their pet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 752
You deserved it 7 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

even if it was a mouse.. why the fork would you step on it?

As mentioned above, why would anyone step on a mouse? Even more important, why are YOU cleaning it up? Someone here needs to take responsibility for their stupid actions.


The guy is pro enough to step on a rodent? F-ing bad ass!

Professor59 2

Um, you didn't fail. Your boyfriend, the mighty hunter, didn't fail. Your sister was given responsibilty for a life, and she failed. She alone should have to explain to her class why their pet is dead.

i HAD to sign up after seeing this. I count at least a dozen "who steps on mice?" comments - what sheltered, unwordly dumbasses! People have phobias. And rodents are a pretty rational one to be honest. They're pests, carriers of disease, destroyers. You'd better believe if I saw something scurrying across the floor, I'd stamp the shit out of it too, if I had the balls. Sure, it sucks that it was a pet hamster, but maybe that guy grew up in a house with mice and did it instinctively. If he had the time to realise it wasn't a mouse, it doesn't sound like he'd have done it. As for the people who can't even conceive stepping on something "bigger than a fly"... let's see if that holds once an animal you don't like infests your property. One day the real world is going to kick all of you idiots in the ******* JAW.

#122 - yeah, not quite so evocative when it's not staring at the camera chewing a goddamned biscuit.


seriously. why would you step on a mouse? thats terrible.

You'd step on a mouse because they're vermin in your property. Haven't we been through this? Also, this wasn't a mouse, it was more liekely a mistake. "Oh, by the way there's a hamster running around, don't freak out" might have been some good advice to give anyone afraid of or used to having to kill mice (her boyfriend? She'd know)

You and your boyfriend are both idiots. He's an idiot for killing animals. You're an idiot for cleaning it up AND having that kind of a boyfriend AND for letting the hamster out the cage. And mice arent "vermin". You are, #140.

He should be the one to explain the accident, not you.