
By Anonymous - 29/03/2009 01:33 - United States

Today, my sister brought her class hamster home from school. Somehow it escaped from its cage, and ran into my room. My boyfriend, thinking it was a mouse, stomped on it. I'm stuck cleaning hamster guts from my carpet, and have to explain to a kindergarten class what happened to their pet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 752
You deserved it 7 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

even if it was a mouse.. why the fork would you step on it?

As mentioned above, why would anyone step on a mouse? Even more important, why are YOU cleaning it up? Someone here needs to take responsibility for their stupid actions.


YDI for having an incredible stupid boyfriend. Stomping on animals is a tiny little bit painfull for them, you know, and it's also just a mess on your floor.

even if it was a mouse which it technically is anyways why would he crush it for the guts to go everywhere what a moron

Lol, while I was reading this on my iPod and listening to music, "Weasel Stomping Day" by Weird Al just started playing.

missbadluk 0

Who stomps on a mouse to kill it???? And why did YOU clean it up? What are u, his servant? Make him clean it up!

Get another that looks exactly the same

aquaman95 7

how the **** does a fullsize hampster look liked a mouse piece of shit

What kind of person steps on mice?!?!?!

Shouldn't your boyfriend clean it up and explain it? It's his fault, not yours.