Snitches get stiches

By cxcrktkt - 12/04/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, my ten year-old son realized something. Beer is alcohol. People who drink a lot of alcohol are alcoholics. Therefore, I'm an alcoholic for drinking beer with dinner. He told everyone at his conservative private school and they tried to have an intervention. They pray for me every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 811
You deserved it 12 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what happens when you're religious enough to send your kid to a special school because of it.

dz_zb 0

That's what you get for not discussing these issues with your child earlier. He's 10 and he just discovered alcohol? And on top of that you haven't taught him enough for him to understand the lack of severity in an adult drinking beer? YDI for allowing your child to stay ignorant, thinking it will preserve his innocence.


Don't you just hate when people pray for you.. My kindergarden Ex-teacher just found that I'm atheist and she gats her class to pray for me every day.. to save me from ignorence... Thanks.. so darn much..ass. lol They shoud hav explained to the child that alcohal isnt bad in moderation

No, I don't. You should be grateful that someone cares about your rude ass.

YDI for sending him to a school of conservative fucknuts.

alex_vik 0

The only thing worse than intolerant Christians are intolerant Atheists. Seriously, all of you, shut up already.

That's what you get for sending him to a conservative private school.

FYL for having a kid with a big mouth, but YDI it for not teaching your kid that certain things are okay in moderation.

candy_hearts 0

I think the missing info here is if you're an alcoholic or not. If you aren't, then F your life. If you are, then your son should come on here and write an F my life.

SpunkT 0

To the people saying "Don't drink in front of your kids"... seriously? It's A beer with dinner. They aren't getting trashed. Would anyone care if it was wine? Probably not. But yeah, sit him down and explain the difference between someone who has one drink a day, versus someone who gets drunk every day, or very often. Also maybe you should explain to him the heart benefits of drinking one glass of wine a day, or a pint of beer a day if you're an adult. And **** that school, if they are praying for you, let them. #16, I think it's pretty clear they aren't, since they just said they drink beer with dinner. I would assume that's one or two pints. That does not make you an alcoholic. #13, they are hardly being intolerant. They're just upset that the school tried to have an intervention and is praying for them when it's unneeded. Stop overreacting.

The problem with the whole "AA" mentality that's become so widespread is that anyone who is called an alcoholic and denies it is simply said to be "in denial." Few people realize that you can drink without being addicted.

geesquared 0

My dad drinks beer (but not in excess). It's not like I take chugs hourly or drink alcohol AT ALL. #13- I think they're both equally bad, except atheists haven't caused any wars over religion.