Snitches get stiches

By cxcrktkt - 12/04/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, my ten year-old son realized something. Beer is alcohol. People who drink a lot of alcohol are alcoholics. Therefore, I'm an alcoholic for drinking beer with dinner. He told everyone at his conservative private school and they tried to have an intervention. They pray for me every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 811
You deserved it 12 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what happens when you're religious enough to send your kid to a special school because of it.

dz_zb 0

That's what you get for not discussing these issues with your child earlier. He's 10 and he just discovered alcohol? And on top of that you haven't taught him enough for him to understand the lack of severity in an adult drinking beer? YDI for allowing your child to stay ignorant, thinking it will preserve his innocence.


well, its not smart to drink in front of your kids but my dumbass parents tried to hide it from me and i came home with 2 wine glasses in the sink with wine still in them. it was so damn funny when i asked them about it, then they denied it lmfao

Whatever the ****. Beer with dinner =/= alcoholism. When I was a kid, every day with dinner Dad would have a beer and Mum would have a glass of red wine (actually, Dad switched to wine in later years on the recommendation of his doctor). They were not alcoholics. Nor was I addicted to lemonade because I had a glass with dinner every night. And guess what? I saw them drink every night, and I saw them drink more at parties etc, but I never told everyone at school that they were alkies, and nor am I a drunk myself now.

what kinda f*cked up sch did u send your kid to?! how cld they just jump to conclusion that you are an alkie after what your child told them -.-

Why did you send him to a conservative private school when you know they won't teach him about how their parents will have responsible drinking habits, like having a beer with dinner? You deserved it.


thats what you get for sending your kid to a conservative school

fkateslife 0

LOL #66, good point! If you drink in front of your kid it's not a huge deal. If you get DRUNK in front of your kid, then sure YDI... but people thinking that one beer with a meal = drunk seriously need to work on their tolerance level ;)

dnt drink in front of your kids, that'll teach them that its okay to drink if you do. and that'll cause serious issues when they hit their teen years. good luck