Snitches get stiches

By cxcrktkt - 12/04/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, my ten year-old son realized something. Beer is alcohol. People who drink a lot of alcohol are alcoholics. Therefore, I'm an alcoholic for drinking beer with dinner. He told everyone at his conservative private school and they tried to have an intervention. They pray for me every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 811
You deserved it 12 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's what happens when you're religious enough to send your kid to a special school because of it.

dz_zb 0

That's what you get for not discussing these issues with your child earlier. He's 10 and he just discovered alcohol? And on top of that you haven't taught him enough for him to understand the lack of severity in an adult drinking beer? YDI for allowing your child to stay ignorant, thinking it will preserve his innocence.


YDI for sending your son to a conservative private school.

LOL that's freakin hilarious. haha, gotta love those beers, eh? =P well, i prefer ciders to beer. not bitter XD -heart-

#82...I do not feel that I am entitled to anything because I went to a parochial school. In fact, I feel that I am better prepared to handle what life gives me due to the challenges I was given at those schools. Way to make a blanket statement. Further more for folks who blame the guy for drinking in front of his kid...uh, he's doing a better job setting an example of drinking during a MEAL rather than just cracking one open the second he came home from work! On the day of my First Communion my Italian grandmother started giving me wine (like a tablespoon) at large family meals. Why? Because in Italy wine is a part of the meal. During weddings and large parties my mom would drink, yet never get drunk. Now, at 21, I can have a beer with friends during dinner or have a few drinks when I go out easily without wanting to get smashed. Because my mom drank in front of me and taught me how to drink properly. OP, kudos to you for showing him the proper way to drink...

mcortez77 0

YDI for drinking beer with dinner.

GiannaxRevenge 0
GiannaxRevenge 0
Celfious 0

hey that is funny did you put him in that school?

_system_ 0

Heh, people still believe in prayer? Stupid religious idiots.

agreed. the BEST thing you can do for your kid RIGHT now is get him the hell out of that dump. 'conservative' organisations do nothing but suppress and control society and your child is young, his identity and sense of self is growing and doesn't need to be controlled and limited by people who worship the old ways. do you want your kid to grow up thinking women are good for nothing but making babies and staying in the kitchen? do you want your kid to hate society groups who aren't what the church deems 'normal' (ie black people, homosexuals, the list goes ON..). do your part and stop the madness of conservative religious groups destroying and turning society against itself

@104: that's funny saying just conservatives are like that, because my boyfriend's parents (they didn't know we were dating yet) are liberal and they gave me shit and called me "close-minded" for reading a pro-life book. I tried to explain i was also reading a pro-choice book too, to read both sides of things, but they told me because I was even reading the pro-life book obviously I was a piece of crap conservative with a closed mind who'd never amount to anything, that I was a religious freak (my parents go to church), I didn't deserve anything, I took everything for granted, and that they were tired of my racist crap (earlier I had disagreed about something Obama said) and told me never to hang around with him again because I'd "ruin" him. They threatened my boyfriend that if I ever tried to talk to him, to make sure to repeat to me everything they said. That night he told them that I was his boyfriend. They asked him to tell me I'm welcome back in their house but.... I just can't go back. We're still together, we just don't go to his house (which was also his decision). My family has more than welcomed him into our house and he's even joined us for family game night. So yeah. I'm sick of people saying conservatives are so against everything while liberals are so nice and open-minded. (end note for anyone who may be curious: I'm 16)

You do know that his parents are NOT liberals? They may call themselfes like that, but they're absolutely not. Just saying. But well, how liberal are most liberals?