
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Canada - Owen Sound

Today, I caught my dad sneaking a drink of whiskey outside, shortly before my wedding. I asked if he was seriously getting drunk at a time like this. He looked at me and scoffed, "It's the only way I'm gonna get through this stupid shit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 995
You deserved it 5 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's rude. A dad should be more mindful and respectful, ESPECIALLY at a time like this.

Do the same thing if your invited to his anniversary


That's rude. A dad should be more mindful and respectful, ESPECIALLY at a time like this.

He should wait to get drunk until the reception you never know if hes going to blurt out random shit during your wedding.

Weddings are boring hell id drink too haha id be dad yelling "WOOOO" in the back

nityasomaiya 46

I think her Dad was probably upset she was leaving....

Most Dads would be happy for their child , not consider it stupid shit to "get through".

psychopolarbear 28

Well, depending on how many weddings he's been to before, I could understand why he reacts like this. Weddings can be a bit drawn out. I wouldn't condone his drinking at the wedding, but I don't think it's that awful. He was sneaking a drink, not getting wasted. For all we know, it was to calm his nerves.

Considering my sisters wedding is coming up soon, I could imagine my dad saying this, that's just his sense of humour (he gave my aunty away at her wedding and was whispering "run!" At my Uncle at the alter) for all we know, OP could have been a bridezilla and having ONE drink and cracking a bad joke was just to lighten the mood

LOL that is not what a Dad does. Dads are assholes.

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Ashd09 30

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A whole lot of nasty drunks must have been the ones that down voted you.

Oh wow im sorry :( I hope you had another more respectful relative to walk you down the aisle...congratulations on your marriage!

nattlecakes 19

While I don't condone his actions at all, maybe he was having a hard time dealing with giving his daughter away? If not, I am sorry your father couldn't be more respectful and I hope your wedding day was amazing regardless.

Maybe, but most people move out nowadays before they get married, so not even a huge adjustment.

tiredteenager 16

What a douche. Parents should be more supportive. Congrats on the wedding though!

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That's a pretty big stretch, how can you claim someone is an alcoholic based on a few sentences?

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From someone who has lots of experience with drunks (my own father didn't even show up at my wedding, as he was drunk and forgot, same as my husband's step father) it doesn't sound like he's a problem drinker from the few sentences I read. It sounded like he needed a shot to get through the stress of his daughters wedding. I base this off the fact he was trying to hide it, most drunks would show up pre-gamed. And her wording makes it seem like it's not a regular thing. "are you a time like this?" makes it sound like he's not usually drunk or drinking. My mother was drunk, I expected it and worked around it. Employing someone to keep her occupied in the kitchen if she got beligerant. I feel for OP. Alcoholics suck.

Self medicating or "needing a drink" is a big sign of addictions no matter how he or you try to rationalize it.

NiceGuysDoWin 21

#59, I have maybe 5 drinks a year, but they are usually on days when I "need a drink." Generally, it is "self medicating" to help blow off the stress at the end of a seriously bad day. In your worldview, this makes me an alcoholic?

Maybe he's nervous about you getting married. But by the way he said it I'm not sure. He might not like the man you chose to be with.


that was one of my thoughts as well. Maybe he doesn't agree with the choice she made for a husband. or maybe there is drama with another family member (idk if ops parents are divorced) and he didn't want to deal with the stress.

Axel5238 29

Agree with that it's possibly who they chose to be with. Love is often blind and people will fall for someone that isn't good for them because they don't see it. Lot's of things could be a sign such as if they have problems saving money just to save(you never know). I was in a serious relationship with someone and she was living with me made paying bills very difficult or it could be the OP rushed into it against advice from friends and family.