Short, sharp, shock

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that it is never, ever a good idea to put a Band-Aid of any kind on your penis, because eventually you will have to take it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 241
You deserved it 54 097

Top comments

it's called take a shower and it just falls off

Your penis falls off in the shower? Yikes!


try liquid band-aid. really gets me off.

DarknessToLight 5

hot water on the band-aid should make it just slide off, but really who wants to take that chance. on another note.. why is there a band-aid on your penis?

joecartoon2 2

In retaliation,why would you have a band aid on your dick bro? You gots a disease? Suckish!

bandaids hurt less when you take them off in the shower.

thisguy2112 0

its called hot water? like in the shower

And this is why we think Americans are stupid... Oh wait..

Maybe he had to put it cuz his girlfriend's braces messe it up. ;)

I've actually done this before. It's really not that bad taking it off.