Shoot your shot

By scewable - 13/10/2011 07:19 - United States

Today, after getting dumped by my boyfriend, I tried to find comfort in one of my closest friends. He embraced me while I struggled against tears, and after a few moments of silence said, "Hey, you know what? I would fuck you anytime. Anytime." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 227
You deserved it 10 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, it means you're attractive! :D But yes fyl cause it was bad timing :P

Seems it was the "nice guy" that was hopelessly in love with you all along, and gave you a shoulder to cry on all this years in hope that one day, you'd soon realize he was the one for you, not like like all those assholes who don't understand you and don't respect you and how he knows that you'll be happy with him because he'll treat you like the princess he knows you are and aren't he such a nice guy. And then you **** him.


perdix 29

Come on, a Pity **** can be very nice.

he wad obbiously just trying to make her feel good, and his penis at the same time.

Yeaaa.... having a male friend express that he'd penetrate you shouldn't be awkward at all... on the other hand... sounds like something I would say :D

goldfish78 11

He's expressing his love for you by wanting make love to you.

melliemoo17 6

Sounds like a compliment to me.

Thats a good friend! You know your always gonna have a **** buddy!