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By katwingz - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Fairfield

Today, after being together for only two weeks, my boyfriend got me a year's gym membership for my birthday, in a card that said, "So u can b hott! Luv u!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 295
You deserved it 6 333

Top comments

So I take it you will be getting him spelling lessons?


Ok, not sure why everyone seems to think this is such a bad thing...Poor choice in words? Maybe. But a free gym membership for a year! I would be stoked! If he bought himself one too, or already had a membership, then maybe he wanted something fun that the both of you could do together as a couple. Besides the obvious physical benefits of exercise, like being able to fit clothes easier, and weight loss (if that's what your going for), or toning; you will gain self confidence, energy, a healthier mind. Oh, and another benefit of being physically fit, or being on the way to being fit is sex will improve and can get real crazy. Ok...I said what I needed to, and maybe you need to stop being so ungrateful OP, and be happy that a guy would actually like you enough after only 2 weeks of dating to fork over the money to buy you a year membership at a gym..just to let you know, they can get quite pricey. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go give your man a bj or something...hahaha.... NOT A FYL

Meh. Just dump him and take the gym membership. You don't need a guy in your life who thinks you need to improve your looks and figure, especially since you've only been dating for 2 weeks. (If he's like this after 2 weeks, imagine what he'd be like after months...even years). On the bright side, you now have a free gym membership. Which is expensive as hell. So you can either use it or sell it. :)

blah2112 11

2 weeks and be loves you? Run far... Far away...

KareBear7364 5

two weeks and he's saying love you?! sorry off topic...

Well, my vote is that you dump him for being an ass and then go get hot with the gym membership HE paid for and rub it in his face. Also, look at the bright side, it's a good way to get healthy, and gym memberships can be ******* expensive.

Nothing wrong with that, that's expensive, staying healthy is always fun

perdix 29

Why does everyone hate this guy? He has settled for a "diamond in the rough" and is willing to pay to improve her body to match the personality he already loves. I'll bet a lot of guys wouldn't even consider going out with her because she's too fat, but this one liked her enough to get to know her and would like her to get healthier. Now, get your fat ass to the gym and see if you can keep this keeper!

Nooooooo. That's not how a relationship works. You don't date someone if your only intention of to "fix" them or turn them into something they aren't. Maybe OP is happy how she looks? Maybe she doesn't want to get fitter? Maybe she just doesn't enjoy gym work? Obviously this is on FML because the OP isn't happy with her boyfriend's treatment of her. So why is it ok for her boyfriend (someone she's only been dating a fortnight) to tell her to go to the gym so she can "be hott"? That's not being thoughtful. That's called being an asshole. And he certainly doesn't sound like a keeper. Don't date someone if you're not happy with how they look.

perdix 29

#45, that's not true. I went out with a girl who told me on our first or second date how she'd change my diet. Truth be told, I could have dropped 10 or 15 pounds at the time. I was actually impressed by her candor. I had to dump her because she insisted in sticking her finger up my ass during sex.

You know, that last sentence is probably something we shouldn't know.

In a way I agree with perdix, it isn't the most terrible thing to get healthier and fit, just the way the bf worded it was off. Plus gym memberships aren't exactly cheap, so I'd take it.

And we have no clue what OP looks like, if she's only 5-10 pounds overweight yea I'd say he's being an ass, but what If she's morbidly obese ? Maybe he loves her (in two weeks?) enough to want her to get healthier, I don't think the bf is so horrible, just the way he did it.

#59: Not...really? The OP shouldn't feel obligated to do something just because her boyfriend spent so much money on her. Maybe he should have ASKED her if she wanted a gym membership first, instead of just assuming she wanted to lose weight and be "hott" for him. Seriously, I'm having a hard time seeing where the kind or caring part comes in. Because all I see is a douche act. He wants to change his girlfriend's appearance (after a mere 2 weeks of dating, no less) and doesn't think his girlfriend is "hott" enough. Spending a lot of money on something =/= a caring boyfriend. And a person should never feel obligated to change for someone just because that person spent a lot of money on them.

That's pretty expensive, especially considering you've been dating for only two weeks. Besides, look at the bright side, he actually puts up with something he doesn't like about you and motivates you to work on yourself instead of just leaving you for someone who looks better.

Dating for 2 weeks is hardly "putting up" with something he didn't like about her.

Leaving her for someone else would probably be the better option at this point, tbh. He clearly isn't happy with how she looks and seems to think it's ok to try to "fix" her. OP would be better off with someone who was happy with her looks, and the boyfriend would be better off with a girl he doesn't feel the need to "fix". Having to "put up" with something you don't like about your girlfriend (especially when its something as significant as appearance) doesn't make him a nice guy. It makes him an ass.

FalconWhitaker 20

A sexist pig AND unable to spell. You really hooked a winner there, OP.

I bet if a girl gave a guy a gym membership, you'd call him a lazy fat ass and you'd be totally OK with the girl.

43 now that, is also sexist and your argument is probably based on... Nothing? I don't know one single girl who'd do that. And neither would I do that.

Lordalucad 9

His argument is probably based on double standards.

I know, but I really hate to see that. I don't know girls who expect guys to always pay for their dinner or something like that. So I think those 'double standards' are mostly based on bitches who you cannot call feminists.

tell him he's got to go with you! staying in shape together can strengthen muscles and relationships!