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By katwingz - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Fairfield

Today, after being together for only two weeks, my boyfriend got me a year's gym membership for my birthday, in a card that said, "So u can b hott! Luv u!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 295
You deserved it 6 333

Top comments

So I take it you will be getting him spelling lessons?


Sorry, but I don't see the FML in this. He is basically saying that he got with you because of your personality...isn't that what women only care about anyways?

InfiniteSecret 20

He is saying she has to change for him, after only two weeks. That is what is messed up.

I'd love to have somebody get me a year's gym membership... But I'd be mortified if it was done in such a way.

Everybody is hating on this guy, but what if OP always complained about her appearance or being 'too fat' maybe the boyfriend wanted to help her out?

Thank you I agree. Guys are problem solvers. They don't want to sit there and talk about your appearance for hours when there is. Clear and obvious solution to your problem.

You should send him a card that reads "I intend to get hot, so I can make you jealous with my new hot boyfriend who is considerate and uses proper grammar. Thanks asshole!"

flame5768 14

if she doesn't need a guy in her life how the f*** did she get the membership the man?

Well have you mentioned wanting to start working out? Have you complained about your body at all? Even if you don't consider it complaining mentioning your body negatively is something guys dislike. So perhaps he was trying to solve your problem so he didn't have to hear it anymore. That's sweet actually. He wants you to be happy. Of course he could also be shallow and want you to look as good as your personality makes you on the inside.

If he doesn't already think you're hot, then maybe he's only with you to use you or show you off like a trophy...better off with out someone like that....go to the gym, get nice & tone...then flaunt it to him with your next BF on your arm.

countryrose92 23

So? You got a free gym membership already paid for, go work out, get super hot, and then if you two don't work out your hot and other guys will be crawling all over. I see this as a bonus not an fml. I wish my guy would get me a gym membership. Those are expensive.