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By katwingz - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Fairfield

Today, after being together for only two weeks, my boyfriend got me a year's gym membership for my birthday, in a card that said, "So u can b hott! Luv u!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 295
You deserved it 6 333

Top comments

So I take it you will be getting him spelling lessons?


well a least you you know he loves you for you right? just how I saw it.

ultimatitan 1

It sounds harsh but girls always say they want to b noticed for their personality not looks so even tho it sounds rude think of it as trying to b supportive and bring him along as punishment

InfiniteSecret 20

If he liked her for her personality he wouldn't try to change her. By trying to change her it shows he isn't actually that into her and wants her to look how he wants.

RUN! Very fast and very far away from that asshat.

Demonyx 6

Great opportunity really, you didn't waste more than 2 weeks on the guy and you got a free year of membership. Leave him and stay in shape.

RicanGata91 7

That's really ****** up,dump his ass and still take advantage of the year membership!

Pstraka6 20

I think he means getting 'hot' and sweaty in the gym, not becoming more attractive. He woulsnt be dating you then! And why not use it? It will boost your confidence and has lots of health benefits! :)

Valiumknights44 12

I love how everyone is under the assumption that this girl is overweight to begin with. What if the douchiness come from the fact that she's a normal sized girl who just isn't supermodel size? Perhaps the boyfriend is trying to get her to unrealistic measurement? Either it's still douchey to try and change someone's physical appearance. This is why people have eating and body disorders.

You should enroll him in an elementary school and say, "So you can be smart! **** you!"

Why should she dump him? Are you guys really that insensitive? He was probably joking, and if he's dating her then he obviously likes her. Its actually sweet that he payed for a whole membership.

_awwhellnaw_ 45

Bruh, they were dating for two weeks and he told her to lose weight to become hot. He's being insensitive and a dick to his girlfriend. The whole thing is weird.

InfiniteSecret 20

How is telling someone to get hot after only two weeks of dating a good thing. That is just messed up. If they are into the person why tell them to go get hot.