Ralph and Huey

By justmyluck - 12/02/2010 19:34 - United States

Today, my mom picked me up from school due to me being sick. Afterwards, she took a detour to the DMV, and I waited in the car. I ended up vomiting everywhere, clothes included, and had to sit in the car for three hours while the taste and smells lingered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 715
You deserved it 4 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EPICApathy 0

Next time, learn to step out of the car and puke on her seat while you wait on the bench out side. then she learn.

MadaZer0 8

The though of just opening the door didn't come to you... Why exactly?


yeah for real don't blame your mom, you shouldda got outta the car. this is more of an f your moms life. now her cars all full of vomit

It's more of a f his/her life because the mom should've just drove them straight home. If someone's sick and needs to go to the hospital in your house, would you stop to grab some fast food on the way? No -.- besides EVERYONE knows the dmv is hell towards waiting so the mom messed up there already. As for opening the door, maybe they were just that sick. If you puked and had no strength to even clean up a little (hence the "lingering smell and taste") maybe they didn't have enough strength to get out in time.

Are you 4? If you need to throw up, it would be smart to open the door instead of vomiting everywhere. YDI for not opening the damn door.

I agree with KingTaco. I hope she made you clean the car.

demonwolfmaster 26

i see every one saying this you know the door could have been locked and they tryed to unlock it but didnt have time and now a days windows are power operated so maybe the rent didnt have the keys in the car so the window couldnt be opend every think of it tht way some times (people like me) you dont have much of a warning only a bit of gaging then it comes so that warning might not be enought to get out of a car

emmmilyyy 0

you couldve opened the door to puke outside, or gone outside after stupidly puking inside the car. was there some kind of magic barrier blocking you from leaving the car, or are you just dumb?

If the door was locked, then there was some kind of barrier. On many cars you can't open the doors from the inside if they were locked from the outside. The kind of mother who leaves their sick child alone in a car while they run errands is almost certainly the kind of mother who would engage central locking. Although if you like you can refer to it as a magic barrier, if talking down to people makes you feel clever.

Obecny75 0

Im an auto mechanic and I have NEVER heard of this magical central locking. I can sympathize with the OP but it IS pretty dumb to puke inside the car. ALSO, im pretty sure its a safety hazard to make a car where the doors (at least front doors) open from the inside. On my car the front doors will open from the inside regardless if the door is locked or not. Its a safety feature that if there is an emergency the vehicle occupants can exit without having to fumble around to unlock the doors

purplemnm 9

#36 your retarded and should be stripped of your rights to be an auto mechanic...it's called child lock you idiot. it's when the door is locked from the outside in so children can't open the door and fall out if the car if it happens to be in motion. gawd...

The cars you have seen in your job as an 'auto mechanic' may not, but the 3 cars my family have owned do. I think it might be because they were older, but basically if the car was locked from the outside then the doors would not open from the inside. If they were locked from the inside then they would. Meaning that in an emergency situation you wouldn't have to fumble around, unless you'd locked the car and then got in through a window or sun roof. And lets face it, those people are bad for the gene pool.

Obecny75 0

Child locks are only on the BACK doors. Who the hell sits in the back seat with only 2 occupants in the car?! Plus the OP did not specify where they were sitting. Also, Child locks are not called central locking...they are called child locks. Also, fundamentally thats not what a child lock is. A child lock is the little switch on the the side of the door that you flip that renders the interior door handle inoperable. It has nothing to do with the door being locked from the inside or outside. Thanks for coming out but sorry you didnt make the team...but you are welcome to try again next year.

I wasn't referring to child locks, if I was I would have said so. I'm well aware of what a child lock is and does. For an 'auto mechanic' you sure don't listen when people are talking about cars. It must be because you know everything about every type of car the world over.

"Power door locks (also known as electric door locks or central locking) allow the driver or front passenger to simultaneously lock or unlock all the doors of an automobile or truck, by pressing a button or flipping a switch. Power door locks were introduced on the luxury Scripps-Booth in 1914, but were not common on luxury cars until Packard reintroduced them in 1956. Nearly every car model today offers this feature as at least optional equipment." If you've never heard of 'this magical central locking' then I sincerely hope you haven't finished your training yet...

dumb ass, child lock is only while the car is moving and in the back seats fyl for being dumb

Agreeeeeeee!!!!! Even in my cheap, tiny little shoe-box of a car, you just have to pull the door handle back twice and voila! However- not only did OP not state where he was sitting- he may well have already gotten out of the car to vomit. :-)

billie_jo_7 0

The last time I checked the DMV had a restroom

Ajjas013 6
eat_this_buddie 5

yea you should have opened the door but if my mom made me wait like that I would've done the same thing. then when she returns tell her, "mom, I told you I didn't feel good..."

Anyone consider that the alarm might gave been set and she didn't want to draw MORE attention to herself by puking with the alarm blaring? Guess not. Looks like your mom needs to learn how to parent. You don't "take a detour" with a sick child. Not only is it rude and inconsiderate but selfish as well. Her main concern should have been what was best for you. That is what a parent does.

Obecny75 0

Im pretty sure having someone watch you puke while the alarm is going off (who sets the alarm with their kid that is obviously old enough to be alone by themselves) is a MUCH better alternative to puking on yourself and have to sit in it for 3 hrs.

lol cant yhu just open the door ? i mean unless ur fkin 3 years old the door shouldnt have child lock or if yhu have younger siblings go though the drivers seat . wtf that was a FAIL lmfao

yhu? if your gonna take the effort to type three letters why not just type you? i totally agree. FYL

Ajjas013 6
purplemnm 9

thaaanks ajjas...-.- I'll have to try that next time...-.-