Precious memories

By jeph23 - 11/09/2009 20:11 - United States

Today, after picking up my 6 year-old from school, he said, "Drew said his dad could beat you up." I told him that he needs to respect his own father more and stand up for me. We got home, I looked up his class roster and low and behold, Drew's dad beat me up in junior high. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 311
You deserved it 19 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

like father like son.... once an asshole, always an asshole...

Tell your son to tell Drew that you can make his dad have an "accident" or disappear under mysterious circumstances.


Escapist28 0

Well, I guess your kid knows who the better dad is now, doesn't he? And this is on the wrong FML?

banana_pancakesX 0

i am so confused. wtf does this fml have to do with Family Guy ringtones? o.o

FML screwed up o_o It keeps switching between one where this guy had the ringtone of Quagmire saying "Giggity giggity lets have sex!" and the one with some kid named Drew.

Khiash 6

The two FMLs are: Today after picking up my 6 yr old from school, he says "Drew said his dad could beat you up." I told him that he needs to respect his own father more and stand up for me! I get home, look up his class roster and low and behold, Drew's dad beat me up in Jr. High. FML and Today, I had dinner with my girlfriend's family. I had been perfectly polite and everything was going along smooth, until my phone rang on high volume. The ringtone? Quagmire from Family Guy's signature line, "Giggidy Giggidy Giggidy, Let's have sex!" FML

waterynuggets 0

Don't know if this is more lame or fake.

YDI for having a shitty ringtone and watching that lame-ass show in the first place.

This is a crappy FML, really... I mean, he beat you up in the past, so what? I beat plenty of people up, and I'm a girl. If they get as whiney about it as you, I hope I never meet them again. That's just damned sad.

FML SWITCH! Obviously this comment is meant for the one about Drew. Oddly, it still shows up as that on the page, but the title bar and the front page say it's the Family Guy one. For the Family Guy one... again, who cares? It's a show reference.

BuffaloX7 0

YDI big time for even watching Family Guy.