Precious memories

By jeph23 - 11/09/2009 20:11 - United States

Today, after picking up my 6 year-old from school, he said, "Drew said his dad could beat you up." I told him that he needs to respect his own father more and stand up for me. We got home, I looked up his class roster and low and behold, Drew's dad beat me up in junior high. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 311
You deserved it 19 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

like father like son.... once an asshole, always an asshole...

Tell your son to tell Drew that you can make his dad have an "accident" or disappear under mysterious circumstances.


You need your 6 year old to stand up for you?

alex_vik 0

Uh...I'm confused. I want to vote FYL for the Drew story, but I want to vote YDI for the Family Guy story. What do I do?

bosshaug 0

It's quagmire, quagmire giggity giggity let's have sex Quagmire is my hero

friscobuff 0
ElMundio87 0

So wait...Quagmire beat you up for having sex with his girlfriend's parents?

YDI for having a Family Guy ringtone, what are you like 12? this about the father getting beat up in Jr. High or Quagmire? I seen both. D:

quagmire is by far the best character in family guy