Panic at the crosswalk

By Butterflyguy - 14/08/2009 17:10 - Canada

Today, I literally stopped traffic. I was crossing the street and a butterfly landed on me. Being phobic of butterflies, I had a panic attack in the middle of the road. Oh, and I am 17, captain of our football team, and in very good shape. My girlfriend laughed the hardest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 336
You deserved it 23 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dramakat11 0

Well, sounds like you've got a good life so whatev. But I do know how horrible panic attacks are--they are Hell so I feel for you. But why would you be scared of butterflies? That's insensitive of your gf but I don't know if I'd be able to help laughing either...


that sounds a lot like one of my friends,

beachbabe24 0

of course she laughed! its funny!

this one is pretty stupid its just like the one fml with the guy in the bathroom when the lights went off and blahblahblah ridiculous.

hahahahhaha i would have cried laughing ;P and i agree with #16, who cares if your in good shape?

Butterflies are ******* creepy close up. Like winged spiders. Get your girlfriend to actually look at one with it's sticky legs close up, and tell her "winged spiders" and I'm sure she'll come to see things your way.

irishlassie731 0

Uhh. Wrong. Butterflies are nothing like "winged spiders."

Yes they ******* are. Do you really want one of these sticky legged, spider resembling creeps descending on you from above? Maybe tangling their long arachnoid like legs in your hair as they thresh about?

dreamchaser 0

lol.. i agree with #42. and thanks for the info.. i hate butterflies now.

AngelBellasmom 0

Wow, I have butterfly's tattoo'd all over my body, would that scare you too?

Hahaha, you should find out where he lives and see what happens. ;) At least we know his girlfriend will get a kick out of it. :D

Is one of them a tramp stamp? I can just imagine this guy drilling you from behind and looking down and panicking when he sees the butterfly tattooed on your lower back. The crying, sobbing and whimpering will certainly ruin the moment! please register and start searching so you can earn swagbucks and get free prizes while also helping me :) I greatly appreciate it.

My wife has a phobia of all flying insects, butterflies included. It isn't rational, and to outsiders it may seem ridiculous, but that's the definition of 'phobia'. An "often inexplicable fear of (fill in the blank)". Just remember that the person who finds a butterfly terrifying could be the same person who doesn't blink at the clown you're afraid of, or the dark, or the axe wielding maniac behind your closet door.

boatkicker 4

May I mention that an ax weilding behind your closet door isn't an irrational fear is he actually is there. Being afraid fo your cloest because of hte possible of someone being there is, but if there really is a maniac with an axe in your cloest I"D BE FREAKING TERRIFIED haha :)

I have a phobia of ants and That. OP is a pussy for not just dealing with it. Because it is a phobia, you know it's irrational. Ergo, there's no reason to actually fear it. Get over yourself OP and grow a pair.

starryskyhearts 0

#108: That... picture... will give me nightmares

It did to a friend of mine. Freaky shit, eh?

bunnywuffles 0

108 - Oh good ******* GOD! I almost threw up. You have now given me your phobia D:

Theguybehindyou 0

You are scared...of...butterflies. I swear, god accidently made you a guy...