Old dog, new tricks

By Anonymous - 06/09/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, my mom noticed the hickey that I have on my neck. Embarrassed, I tried convincing her that I burnt myself using a hair straightener. She then told me that that's the same excuse she told my grandma when she got a hickey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 909
You deserved it 46 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeathByFalchion 0

Not THAT big of a deal if it happened to your mom too.


Moco_hanz 0

hahahaha, it sounded like something that my ex gf would say to her parents. its not really a fml worthy since her mom admits that she used the excuse before lol

And your stupid grandma still thinks you are around because your mom sat on a dirty toilet seat. Shhh, I won't tell if you don't.

mrspitiful 0

wtf... this is so lame. fml lowered their standards. back ti MLIA

lives_ppl 0

Yeah I don't know what FML is anymore. Instead of a collection of what FMLs were originally, it's turned into a collection of short stories told in a witty way. Either this website needs to change its name or they need to reevaluate.

This is the dumbest FML ever. Oh, **** my life, I just got caught with a hickey even though my mom explicitly told me she had a hickey when she was my age! Oh, **** my ******* life! I'll never be the same!

omg fml fml your mom knows that you and your boyfriend like to fool around!!!11 This isn't even FML worthy.

Oh my goodness! Thats the same excuse Eric used on That 70's Show!

chrisgllgs 0

one time i saw this girl walking around and she had hickies all over her neck it was gross then my friend yelled "someone had a fun night with the vacuum last night" rofl everybody in the front of school heard him and looked at her XD

For those of you saying there were no hair straighteners back then: ever heard of hot combs???

sven_sven 0

YDI But I can't talk. My mom smacked my girlfriend this morning after seeing a hickey on my neck