Oh great…

By stressedandcrowded - 05/02/2011 16:33 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that my sister is going to spend the last two months of her pregnancy in my house to be with my mother. She's bringing her three wild children with her. The visit also happens to coincide with my end of year examinations in May and June. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 072
You deserved it 3 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Moobug 4

This person is from the UK; over here we refer to 'our house' or 'my house' as the family home, not necessarily who owns it. Because OP's final exams are in May and June, it's likely that she is talking about her GCSEs - she's 16 and it's her mum's house. Obviously, her mum's decision would be final, but you'd expect a certain amount of consideration on the part of the parent :( OP, since locks on kids' bedroom doors aren't usually the done thing in the UK, take the advice of an earlier poster and go to a library or cafe to study. Seriously.


FML_Captain_35 0

OMG you had to spend time with children? That last child I saw hit me in the face with a rock when I drove by him.. ******* HATE AFGHANISTAN FYL right?

sataris20 5

just tell them to f*%# off. it your house. and besides why should your sister still need mommy after three kids. you figure she would have it figured out by now!

just get a lock for your room and stop bitching!

Griggy 0

It's your house. No is a very powerful word once you stop being a push-over and use it.

dynky 3

Unfortunately, women turning into selfish b*tches who don't care about anything other than their offspring seems to be a side-effect of pregnancy.

It's called a library. Stop your bitching and go there.

You'd fail the exams anyway because you obviously can't even spell.

my2centsworth 15
Moobug 4

'Pregnancy' is missing an 'n'. I can think of worse displays of spelling and grammar; she'll be fine.

Mabster84 2

Just as the other comments have suggested, and just as I've said before, if it is your house, regardless of whether or not your mother lives with you, your sister cannot invite herself over. Family or not, an uninvited guest is an uninvited guest. However I feel as though there is part of this story that you are not telling us... If it isn't your house, then get used to it.. Another option is to send your mother to stay with your sister. You'll have the entire house to yourself and be undisturbed. Still, if it is, indeed, your name on the mortgage/deed/lease then you have the right to dictate who stays and who goes. Your sister should be told she cannot just decide where it is she gets to stay during the last months of her pregnancy. It sounds as though she is used to uprooting her family and taking them where it is most convenient for her.