
By StupidPets - 24/08/2016 03:09 - United States - Murrysville

Today, I saw my new pet fish completely missing the food at the bottom of his tank and sucking up the little rocks instead. My last dog died from eating rocks. I think I'm doomed to have insanely stupid pets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 246
You deserved it 1 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure they're stupid? Maybe they're just stoned. Maybe it seemed like a solid plan at the time and now he's just hit rock bottom.


species4872 19

Goldfish? A lot of freshwater fish do that, nothing to worry about.

fish sucking on rocks is normal. my fish do it too.

The food shouldn't be at the bottom of the tank to begin with....

Depends on what kind of fish. We have little bottom feeders and the food you buy for them is meant to immediately sink to to the bottom. If you feed flakes, sure, they float, but many of the better types of food don't hang around the top for more than a few seconds.

Oh that's not too bad, OP. My brothers insanely stupid dog killed my baby kitten... Now that... That's a stupid dog..

Twisted_Angel 17

No, that's not what stupid dogs do. It's part of nature, and also bad training. Don't blame the dog, blame your brother.

Dogs are predators. We may have dumbed down the instincts of many breeds over the years, but they are still predators. Look up the term "prey drive". Many of our breeds today still have what is called a high prey drive. I have a Bluetick Coonhound and a Standard Xoloitzcuintli. The Bluetick's prey drive is strong, but I would daresay my Xolo's prey drive is stronger. Hounds are bred for it, but Xolos retain it from when they developed on their own in the jungles of Mexico and our Xolo is just higher strung than our hound. Terriers are also known for having insane prey drives. They were/are bred to hunt vermin. They make great ratters which is why so many horse people love them. Take them out to the barn and they will do their damnedest to hunt any rodents getting into the feed. Prey drive can be controlled, but it take a lot of work and is not a guarantee your dog's instincts will never take control when a small animal zips under its nose. Certain breeds are just less ideal for the home with small critters.

Fish won't die from eating rocks. Some fish, many fish, eat (then spit out) small rocks to eat off the algae, and to "clean" their mouths

Very true. Some species even do it to wear down their teeth so they don't overgrow.

Some species of fish do this and then spit the pebbles out to eat the algae and lichen that grows on the rocks. Others swallow small stones because it helps with their digestion (to break down things in their stomach) so your fish may not be as stupid as it seems!

Maybe your just bound to be stupid they do that to get the algae off the rocks it's how the get nutrients when their food is in correct

Maybe they got stoned some how and got the munchies.

I'm sorry OP. Maybe you should try a plant first.