
By StupidPets - 24/08/2016 03:09 - United States - Murrysville

Today, I saw my new pet fish completely missing the food at the bottom of his tank and sucking up the little rocks instead. My last dog died from eating rocks. I think I'm doomed to have insanely stupid pets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 246
You deserved it 1 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure they're stupid? Maybe they're just stoned. Maybe it seemed like a solid plan at the time and now he's just hit rock bottom.


Yeah, dude, you're doomed. Your life is over. I'm so sorry for you. So this is what passes for FMLs these days? Yawn.

it's completely natural for fish to do that

Twisted_Angel 17

I think the problem isn't the animals... you really shouldn't have a pet if you know nothing about what they do. Fish don't eat the rocks. The suck them up, clean the food particles off, and spit them back out. I am curious why you would let your dog eat rocks...

My only guess is that the dog was found chewing the rocks, and swallowed them before anyone realized it. But I suppose only OP truly knows.

Pretty sure fish do that for a reason, idk why. Also fish food is made out of fish (watched how it was made once)

Common fish behavior. don't they turn around and spit the Rocks back out

The fish will often pick up the rocks and spit them back out after a few second or s minute. They get all of the algae or whatnot off of the rocks as a way of eating. There might even be food stuck to them

KryssLB 14

Maybe this is your fish's way of telling you it's your dog, reincarnated. :P

SKYstlimit 11

all fish do that, it's not stupid it's getting the minerals off the rocks