Nothing better to do

By Anonymous - 28/03/2012 06:57 - United States

Today, I spent 3 hours trying to read my dog's mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 162
You deserved it 40 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

"Why is my master looking at m-SQUIRRAL!!!!!"

missyj0 12


princessmollysue 9

You have no life , I would know :(

I tried reading my cats mind once, and it worked... I found out that my cat hates me, because it left a huge claw mark on my face

kitsune3 20

Did you use the cheesy stereotypical method of staring really hard at the potential mind-reading victim?

jonnynasty 0

What, you want a ******* sticker or something??

Hahaha wow we're like u bored or u were being stupid? Jk.. Just letting u know, u don't have super powers. Lol

loopmeinoddone 0

That's the stupid thing I ever hread