Not now

By sexysue - 07/11/2009 22:22 - United States

Today, it was mine and my husband's anniversary. He was at work so I decided to dress up "sexy." You know, the typical lacey thong and fishnets. I heard the door open, and what I thought was him was actually my brother, who'd come by to wish me a happy anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 093
You deserved it 5 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gollygoshers 0

I think it's better to wear something revealing under something that COVERS IT UP. that's just common sense, which I greatly lack.

Coulda been worse. Coulda been your husband wearing the same things. How awkward!!


WELCOME HOME ...bro. OH SHIT!!! XD And i bet he thought. Ey sis. Nice **** XD.

whos brother just walks into thier house? or has a husband and brother living with them at the same time? Unless hes there for vacation

well at least she thinks your sex is good.

well at least she thinks your sex is good.

your just stupid directed towards the guy who thought she was dating her bro

Your brother needs a life...a simple phone call wouldnt hurt.

Jbiebs82 0

FISH NETS!? who dresses up in fish nets to be sexy?!?!?

I think this would be a better fml if your brother said it :D