Neighbours from hell

By Anonymous - 01/05/2012 19:51 - Canada - Oakville

Today, my new neighbours moved in. I've neither seen nor spoken to them yet; all I know is that they enjoy hammering at the walls for hours on end and repeatedly setting off the fire alarm. All this in the small hours of the morning. I got two hours of sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 097
You deserved it 2 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey! I love doing that too! Me and your neighbours should have a party! At their place of course, wouldn't want to bother my neighbours.

You should get them back. Set off the fire alarm at three AM. By setting their door on fire. Welcome to the neighbourhood!


XxblueyyxX 3

Well now you know what your first conversation can be!

Some advice. Call the police my friend. I forget what their number is.

Yeah because this is a police problem. If OP really has an issue with it and can't be gracious enough to give them a few days, they should be adult enough to walk over to the neighbors, knock on the door and politely explain the situation. I don't know who deserves to have the police show up to their door the first time for this. I hate the anonymous noise complaints on neighbors---the people who get called on always say that if they'd have known it was bothering someone, they would've turned it down. They also ask me why the neighbor didn't ask themselves instead of calling the police. Let's handle our problems like adults.

I am going to give you a simple solution..a "welcome to the neighborhood" cake with a very sharp welcoming blade inside or ya know you could ask them to be quiet?

Clearly it was a joke since I added the ending lol whatever. I'm bipolar cuz I made a joke :)

They may just nee listening to excision's bass cannon song yoo. Or fire by scooter lol

If it is dubstep then OP has been sent to hell

Sinamoi 18

I couldn't even read your comment because your picture had me so distracted.

Hammering the walls? Setting fire alarms off? If the police that shows up at their house don't shut 'em up, I don't know what will. As for wall hammering, I suppose that's a symptom of the Idiocity Disease. It's more common in morons or those who have affiliations with morons.

KiddNYC1O 20

Robots with feelings? Upgrade!

urmomshouse 0

They're just settling in, calm urself, OP

Right? Wow it's been a day have a little patience. People are such whiners on here anymore. This isn't an FML situation. I work graveyard and sleep during the day, this is my life. Grow a pair op.

happycupcake 0

I'm amazed that no one's mentione this yet but did it occur to the OP that these are somewhat normal moving-in noises? Moving is a hectic, stressful time so it's no surprise that their day started early and ended late. Hammering up decorations? Assembling furniture? Testing new fire alarms?

This! If it's too unbearable, I'm sure OP could ask them to keep the hammering to more regular hours, but I'm sure it'll settle down within a couple of days.

Yarrachel 16

Yeah, but all night? Who does that at 3am?

In what circumstance is it normal to be doing that stuff in the middle of the night? Those are normal noises during the daytime. When the heck would putting up a picture be so important that it's worth waking neighbors up over? I won't even vacuum my floor after 9 PM, but that's just me.