Neighbours from hell

By Anonymous - 01/05/2012 19:51 - Canada - Oakville

Today, my new neighbours moved in. I've neither seen nor spoken to them yet; all I know is that they enjoy hammering at the walls for hours on end and repeatedly setting off the fire alarm. All this in the small hours of the morning. I got two hours of sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 097
You deserved it 2 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey! I love doing that too! Me and your neighbours should have a party! At their place of course, wouldn't want to bother my neighbours.

You should get them back. Set off the fire alarm at three AM. By setting their door on fire. Welcome to the neighbourhood!


perdix 29

Now, you have a reason to talk to them. First, try politeness. If that fails, by-pass the legal system and go straight to batshit crazy.

SkateboardGirl88 11

Earplugs? Or just tell them to STFU.

jillybee101 7

So hammer their face. Problem solved.

That seems like how a romantic comedy would start... And after that youll go over there all pissed off and find a nice girl and you will slowly fall in love with each other while facing funny situations O.o

That seems like how a romantic comedy would start... And after that youll go over there all pissed off and find a nice girl and you will slowly fall in love with each other while facing funny situations O.o

You're getting better at comments. Good job.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Shoot a bee's nest into their window. Only make sure to do it before you leave for work or something, so the added sounds of slaughter don't contribute to your ever-growing headache.

JackeeDawn 9

Everyone is spelling neighborhood wrong.