Neighbours from hell

By Anonymous - 01/05/2012 19:51 - Canada - Oakville

Today, my new neighbours moved in. I've neither seen nor spoken to them yet; all I know is that they enjoy hammering at the walls for hours on end and repeatedly setting off the fire alarm. All this in the small hours of the morning. I got two hours of sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 097
You deserved it 2 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey! I love doing that too! Me and your neighbours should have a party! At their place of course, wouldn't want to bother my neighbours.

You should get them back. Set off the fire alarm at three AM. By setting their door on fire. Welcome to the neighbourhood!


Mowampa 1

Sounds to me you got yourself a meth addict infestation.

babyshaft408 8

Tweakers son if they build it they will come

Noor, I want your opinion. Do you like my new picture? This is serious, I want to know.

jayisacooter 1

Hmmm - they just moved in so why is hammering odd?? Didn't you hang anything when you moved in? You want no noise? Buy a house loser!!!! You're a douche bag!

Doesn't the bible say something about being kind to your neighbors? I can see a threesome in your future.

bearyteary 2
yourmurderscenex 13

retaliate by blasting loud music and inviting obnoxious girls over to giggle and scream. or, if you want to do it the easy way call the police. there has to be a curfew for loud noises. BUT if you don't want to call the police, you can always take a sleeping pill. those always come in handy.

poohappens26 0

Ehh that's what happens when ppl move in.. They can't go around asking when it's best for you that they put their house together douche bag.. Go cry a river

They should at least be respectful to their neighbours.

It's common sense that the middle of the night is not the best time to be doing the louder activities related to moving in, such as hammering. No asking required.