My ears!

By ANONYMOUS -_- - 15/12/2013 17:18 - United States - Providence

Today, I had to go tree shopping with my dad and some of his work buddies. It hit its lowest point when one loudly told us about a crap handjob he got recently. "I mean yeah, choke the cock," he said, "but don't choke it to DEATH, nam'sayin'?" I'd never wanted to just drop dead more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 955
You deserved it 3 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*sees location* Maybe this person was trying to choke it to death in order to make some Kentucky Fried ****.

Rainhawk94 27

Maybe he should loosen his grip on his right hand next time


That's ******* gross, **** your life OP.

Cocks: now with lungs. Maybe "********" actually make sense now.

It's basically just mouth to mouth for your dick.

ThatFancyPenn 18
Rainhawk94 27

Maybe he should loosen his grip on his right hand next time

RedPillSucks 31

He's left handed. That was his mothers right hand.

That sounds like an awkward situation. Sorry you had to hear that OP

he was totally lying... Too much exaggeration

No matter what, that's se seriously inappropriate talk a man's friends should be having around his kids. I hope you're at least an adult, that would make it only a little less obscene... but still... ugh.

MzZombicidal 36

This story reminds me of my high school graduation. My dead beat "dad" showed up, after having just come back into my life and decided to tell me each and every classmate of mine that he'd like to bang. Hopefully OP's dad at least tried to halt that disgusting talk around his kid. Even when they're older, I can't see how some parents would be comfortable having them hear that.

What kind of dad allows such talk around his daughter?! Oh, yours. FYL, OP.

my mom doesn't have that much of a filter, too, OP. the first time she let me wear skinny jeans, I hid behind a tee shirt rack while she told the lady at the counter "I don't like them. that show off her ******". or when she said leggings were whory because it looked like someone "spraypainted my goods and put them on display". I feel your pain, OP.

My nan & her boyfriend are awful when I it comes to filters, sometimes it is really funny & sometimes it's just hurtful...