
By the_dog_sitter - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was walking my friend's dog around the neighborhood, I watched as a little girl fall off her bike. I let go of the dog and ran over to help. The girl was OK but the dog ran into the street and got hit by a truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 975
You deserved it 25 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goddamn, don't just leave the dog like that;/


bobhope123 0

@29 "pitts the shit" clearly refers to the pittsburgh stealers u idiot

bread_fml 0

Today, I was walking my friend's dog around the neighborhood, as I was walking I noticed a little girl fall off her bike. I let go of the dog and ran over to help. After tended to her lightly scrapped knee the girl started crying and yelling at me. I asked her what's wrong and she said I was an jerk for letting go of the dog and allowing it run into traffic and keep killed. She biked off and yelled for me to get my head out of my ass and that it wasn't even that bad of a fall. FML.

How careless of you. You should have taken the dog over, too. The girl would have been fine, anyway. Now how do you explain to your friend that you killed his/her dog? I agree with #5.

I'm sure by now you realise what a stupid decision this was, I mean seriously how bad can a little girl's fall from a bike be? I wouldn't let go of my dogs and I wouldn't stay friends with you if I was in your friend's position.

alex_vik 0

#33 is correct. Pitt, not pit. Big difference.

OP, you're kind of stupid. So the kid fell off the bike, so what? It isn't like the kid got hit by a car. As everyone else said, walk the dog over to the girl or ask her if she's okay. Unless she's critically injured then time isn't a factor. Even if she was, you probably aren't trained to handle those situations. Now your friend's dog is dead and you didn't even accomplish anything with a little girl who probably only scraped her knee. Don't you feel like a jackass?

bread_fml 0

Today, I was being walked by my master's friend around the neighborhood, as we were walking he noticed a little girl fall off her bike. He let go of my leash and ran over to help. I realized that now was the perfect opportunity to settle the the score with my old enemy, the truck. It would be a tough fight, he is bigger and faster than me, but I was sure I would win. I was wrong. FML.

fantasygirllx3 0

oh no!! the poor dog =( it wasn't even your dog! its a girl she'll be fine! your poor friend. i can't even begin to imagine the pain she's in right now. you should feel so guilty.

wrestler_fml 0

Give him a break! 1) In a crisis situation, nobody has time to think. He didn't either, he just reacted. He didn't do it out of animosity towards the dog, he did it out of kindness and love/sympathy towards the little girl. It can't be blamed on him that something outside of his control happened while he was helping somebody else. 2) He could have held on to the leash, but that goes back to #1. And also, even if he had it around his wrist, if it was a big dog, it would still jerk on his wrist. and if he was helping the girl to her feet and the dog jerked on his wrist, he might not be able to help her up properly. 3) Most small dogs are smart enough to not run in front of fast, big moving objects. Therefore, I can safely assume it was VERY LIKELY a big dog, since a small dog would be much less likely to be dumb enough to run out into the street! 4) Considering it's NOT HIS DOG and it's his FRIENDS dog, he knows how the dog will act around HIM and HIS FRIENDS FAMILY. However, I seriously doubt he knows everything about that dog, and how it reacts to strangers! There are always going to be dogs who will ATTACK and BITE and GO FOR THE KILL when they smell blood, fear, or weakness! There is a possible chance that the dog would have bitten the girl, or at least barked and scared the sh*t out of her. So that's another reason to leave the dog. 5) Lastly, we're humans. A dog is a dog. Not only do ALL LIVING ORGANISMS (every single one, 100%) stick together with their own kind over other animals... but humans are WORTH MORE than other animals, as well! I don't say this to be selfish. I say this because we are smarter, because we are unique, because we have a soul, because God made us in his image, and all of that other crap. Tell me- how many animals do YOU SEE who build bridges, cars, computers, travel to space, invent the wheel, and have many in-depth languages and mathematics? NONE! THAT'S HOW MANY! EXCEPT FOR US! Don't get me wrong, I love animals as much as the next guy. But people who take animal-loving to an obsession, and DARE to claim that animals might even COMPARE to humans, need to wake up. I'm sorry, but they seriously do. ======================== With that said, I feel really sorry for the dog because it died, and I feel sorry for you because you will undoubtedly get sh*t from your friend for accidentally letting his dog go, which led it getting run over. And I can't blame your friend- I feel sorry for him, too! Lastly, I feel sorry for the poor girl who fell down and scraped things up pretty badly. This whole situation is FUBAR! And it's nobodys fault in particular. People need to stop blaming and just let it go. Especially the clowns on here, on FML. Give me a break

i love dogs. probably more than little girls. but i think that there are a lot of mitigating circumstances that we just do no know based on the three sentences provided. Whether it was a good decision or not can be changed on the severity (or perceived severity of the fall),the size/temperament of the animal, the distance from the accident, the location of the accident, etc. What if the little girl had fallen off of her bike in the middle of the street? Then SHE would have been the one hit by a truck. I had a pretty bad bike accident once and I know people who have been seriously injured. Also, we do not know much about the dog either. Some are runners, so it is natural that they would bolt when given the freedom, but some would likely follow the person who is running to the girl. And also, this probably wasn't a decision that the OP made. It seems to me like an instinctive reaction and THAT is why it is a FML (or FLM if you so prefer). What the OP did without thinking, acting only on instinct to do what they unconsciously thought was the RIGHT reaction, was in fact the wrong. I think it is a serious tragedy and would be devastated if something like that happened to my dog, but I don't blame the OP. In this case, you can't prove negligence so you can't place blame.