
By the_dog_sitter - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was walking my friend's dog around the neighborhood, I watched as a little girl fall off her bike. I let go of the dog and ran over to help. The girl was OK but the dog ran into the street and got hit by a truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 975
You deserved it 25 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goddamn, don't just leave the dog like that;/


Today, I was on FML and was posting a FML story about how my dog died. And I typo-ed FML. FML. Lmfao.

not to be an asshole or anything, but i think you should maybe change you user name...

ancientmudkipz 0

maybe if you brought the dog over it would make the girl feel less hurt and a little more cheerful.

ashleyy_fml 0

I don't understand why your first reaction was to let go of the dog and run over there. Why wouldn't you just walk over there with the dog and see if she's okay?? And for all the comments about her being more important, she fell off a bike, calm yourselves. Kids fall off bikes all the time, and no where does she say it was some horrendous fall with flips and things, which it obviously wasn't because they said she was okay, so there's no need to be in such a rush to get over there. And #43, that is just the stupidest argument ever. There was nothing so tragic that we needed to put the dog in danger just because some girl fell about a foot off her bike. Seriously, lets risk a dog that isn't even yours' safety, because that girl, who is fine, is the most important thing in the entire world. And your fourth point, you pretty much described a shark. If the dog was that insane, why would the friend be walking it?? Pretty sure the dog wasn't Cujo. I get it was an accident and that really blows, but still, maybe think a little more before you act the next time a situation arises.

You couldn't take the dog with you? Weak.

dont be dicks. it was impulse that the person let go of the dog. buy a new one. im amazed to see how many people give a flying **** about it. let it go.

babybuns 0

WHAT THE ****?! IS THE DOG OKAY?!??!?!!?!?

BEB131 0

I'm sorry that happened to you. You were trying to do the right thing and there was an unfortunate accident. You did not mean for the dog to get hurt. I hope you feel better soon.