
By the_dog_sitter - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was walking my friend's dog around the neighborhood, I watched as a little girl fall off her bike. I let go of the dog and ran over to help. The girl was OK but the dog ran into the street and got hit by a truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 975
You deserved it 25 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goddamn, don't just leave the dog like that;/


special890 0
pitts_the_shit 0

Ahh, looks like FML is turning into a bastion of trolling. If I saw a girl fall of of her bike, I'd run over and help. If the accident was severe enough, I'd probably drop the leash and start running on instinct that I'd need to have both my hands available. I'm sure your friend is giving you enough flack over this though. If he stops being your friend over an accident like this then...well...**** him, haha.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

I'm not trolling I'm completely serious. He's a creep for running over there and the kid ain't his.

126 it's attitudes like yours that are ******* up society. He's automatically a creep/perv/pedo cos he is helping someone younger than him? Nah... He is a decent human being.

Wow, you should NEVER have let the dog go!!!

Even if the OP had put the leash around their wrist, depending on the size of the dog that might not have really freed up their hands. Plus bringing the dog with them could have done more harm than good as far as helping the little girl. As someone else has said tying the dog to something would probably been the best idea. If the girl was so hurt that she couldn't have helped herself (i.e. broken bones or the like) by the time you secured the dog, she obviously wasn't going anywhere and the extra 30 seconds wouldn't have made too much of a difference. Otherwise she would have picked herself up and either continued to ride or run home crying or something.

bread_fml 0

Sounds to me like the dog was suicidal if jumped at the opportunity to run into on coming traffic the first chance it got. I have a dog, and if I dropped the leash to run to a little girl's aid it would follow me, not run into traffic. You may have wanted to express how bad the fall was though for the little girl. Untold amount of people fall of their bike on a daily basis and seldom does it warrant a "drop everything" approach.

frustrated20 8

you're an idiot... dogs don't know not to run into the street, so how can they be suicidal? Again, you're an idiot!!

jackson7787 0

I can't believe how many people here are saying the dog was dumb. Dogs brains are not wired the way that humans are. They don't know that street = bad, especially not if trained. The person was dumb for leaving a dog whose behavior/training they obviously didn't know alone where it could get hit. F the dog's life, not yours.

Pretty sure dogs still have survival instincts though... Not running into traffic would surely come under that.

pittstheshit - are you referring to pitbulls in your name? if you are a dog owner how could you NOT be disturbed by this. kids fall off bikes all the time. **** yes i'd stop talking to a friend if they killed my dog. thats my little boy - killing him is completely unacceptable. btw, its not that hard to hold onto a leash and run over to help someone. im not saying dont help, im saying dont drop the effing leash.

I've been in a car with my mom when a dog accidentally ran out into the street and hit it, despite its owner being close by and screaming at the dog not to. So I believe it was almost completely out of this person's control that the dog ran into the street. The thing is we don't know how injured the girl was or how large the dog was. Otherwise, you could have tied the dog to something else and then helped, or just not help the girl, or have taken the dog with you. We don't know the entire story so we can't make judgments based on that. I'm really sorry this happened regardless.

bobhope123 0

Today, I was walking my friends dog around the neighborhood, as I was walking I noticed a little girl fall off her bike. Not wanting to let go of the dog, I walked by and ignored her, thinking she would be alright. When I returned my friends dog later tonight, my friend was all upset. Apparently someone took advantage of his little sister after she hurt herself falling off her bike and then stole her bike. That was the little girl I ignored. FLM

so you couldn't have sort of walked up to help the girl WITHOUT letting go of the dog?