
By the_dog_sitter - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while I was walking my friend's dog around the neighborhood, I watched as a little girl fall off her bike. I let go of the dog and ran over to help. The girl was OK but the dog ran into the street and got hit by a truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 975
You deserved it 25 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goddamn, don't just leave the dog like that;/


nat66623 0

It should have been the dog's FML (or FLM whatever...) Poor baby :'( What's FLM BTW?

Honestly, guys, chill. It was a gut reaction. She was trying to help the little girl, and she didn't have time to think it through. A little careless, yes, but she must already be feeling terrible. No need to rub it in.

King_of_Kings 3

okay, i just got my account unbanned and i dont want to get banned again. so, i cant really say what i want to, but i will say this....can you be any less responsible?

THAT SUCKS. i'm so sorry :( yeah guys stop being insensitive, it was a gut reaction. totally agree, jet.

that_guy321 2

wow people chill out. it was a little girl, little kids tend to exagerate their injuries. it wasn't the person's fault at all that the dog ran in front of the truck. if anything, say the dog was stupid, not the person.

tralalalala123 0

this happened to my dog 2 summers ago and she was killed, not because someone dropped the leash, but because she ran off really suddenly(long story please dont ask) so whoever commented about how the dog was stupid or anything or that it wasn't the person's fault, really, dogs just follow their instincts which are primarily based around hunting. the dog probably saw something on the other side of the road and had an impulse to chase after it.. don't call the dog stupid. he/she doesn't know that the road/ trucks are dangerous.

You can't just let go of a dog like that... Little girls falling off of bikes are normal. If she's crying loudly and screaming for her mother, she's probably fine. If she's screaming loud enough shatter glass, then she's bleeding pretty bad. If she's absolutely silent... that's when you rush over (with the dog.) Band-aids for the little girl with the scratched knee, five bucks. A round of booze to fuel your cursing and self-loathing, ten bucks. Watching your friend's expression when you tell them your stupidity killed their dog... priceless.

Why is everyone acting like he thought, "I THINK I'LL KILL MY FRIEND'S DOG NOW!" Obviously, HE WAS NOT. He's feeling bad and he KNOWS it. Personally, I'm blaming his friend for not knowing that the FML (flm?) poster is not the most knowledgable person about dogs. Also, what's he going to tie the dog to? What if nothing was around? I know if I were walking a dog and a little girl fell in front of my house, there aren't trees or poles for me to tie a leash to. I'd have to drop it. And would I, to help up a little girl? OF COURSE I WOULD, it's a huge leap of logic from, "I'll drop this leash for a second, pick this little girl up," to "I'll drop this leash, OBVIOUSLY the next most likely situation is the dog will be hit by a car!" It's not something that crosses people's minds that easily if you're not a dog owner, which I'm assuming FML poster isn't.


yup. gotta agree with #s 59 and 60. you could've brought the dog with you. shes a little girl who fell off her bike. thats maybe what, a few inches or so off the ground? goodness, have to help her recover from a few scrapes. if i were in a similar situation but with my baby (cat). i wouldn't let go of my cat. because in the end, id rather have my cat intact than feel good about helping a little girl get up. im sure thats how your friend feels. which sucks.