
By vanessa_d15 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was together with a few of my friends when I got up the courage to confess I have an eating disorder. One of my friends then said "... but you're not skinny." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 108
You deserved it 6 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you say to her, "and you're not intelligent."

...your friend sounds like a lovely person.


i think all of you who are fighting about this are retarded. who the f cares?

bikeduster 0

ok eating disorder...I know how that is. But if you think about it, who really cares about how you look, you should accept you for you, and if someone really cares about you, then they will love you for you, yea alot of dumb ******* are out here caring more about looks, but a true man will love you for who you really are, not who you are trying to be. No disrespect ma"am but i think you should stop the "thing" that your doing, and just accept you for you, take it from someone who's been there done that. It's not worth the pain in the long run.

hi_whats_up 0

you think we would starve ourselves, or make ourselves sick if we didnt care?

engrid 0

well then, you ought to try to get some better friends, because the one that said that is SHIT.

For all those who have an eating disorder, try Overeaters Anonymous. Even if you don't overeat, it can help you. www.oa.org

Isa_fml 20

That's awful, and I'm sorry. People of all sizes can have eating disorders. I live with an eating disorder too and know how hard it is to be honest about stuff like this, and inconsiderate jackasses just don't help. Don't let it discourage you. When you're ready I hope you will seek treatment and start getting well. Take care of yourself OK?

hi_whats_up 0
shoeliz 0

it's entirely possible she meant that you don't looks sickly thin like people often associate with eating disorders. more proof this is a subject people need to understand more

kaitlyn3xo 0

maybe she meant it like your not super super thin the way she would picture someone with an eating disorder, maybe she just meant you look average and healthy