
By vanessa_d15 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was together with a few of my friends when I got up the courage to confess I have an eating disorder. One of my friends then said "... but you're not skinny." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 108
You deserved it 6 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you say to her, "and you're not intelligent."

...your friend sounds like a lovely person.


juliamack13 0

im sorry but u deserve it. u obviously want attention and probably dont even have an eating disorder

so many peeople say tey would rather be fatter than skinny but its the opposite for me. i also used to be anorexic but then my parents found out and i got help and i still hate being bigger cuz i feel so much fatter than when i got down to 80 pounds.

Don't worry about what they say. You're beautiful and there's someone out there just waiting to fall in love with you.

PopGlitterBridg 0

Daaammmnnnn that sucks so bad! Those are some supportive

hateevryone 14

you dont have to be skinny to have a eating disorder. duh

smartalek 2

I had anorexia, all you jerks. it sucks. but ED's can be different things. eating too little, eating too much, throwing up, drinking innapropraite food like only water and carrots.... there are many things that could happen. and OP, your friend is terrible.

If you're not skinny, its not a disorder. Unless you're belemic........

I just can't symphatise with people complaining over an eating disorder, it's all just in your mind

maybe she was in shock because op was seemingly healthy and normal. anyone? ?

heykaymae 2

Binge eater. True disorder, one big fat failure.