Milking it

By mperrotta913 - 21/05/2010 15:46 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was giving me a hand job, which was great, until she started saying, "Milk the penis… Miiiiilk the penis…" FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 139
You deserved it 14 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

r u serious? that's Hella funny! u should b happy u have a sense of humor girl :)


the author was flacid and rather be angry with himself he takes it out on his girlfriend

Next time I give my boyfriend a hand job I'm going to say that for lolz!!

jcap113 4

and guys say WE complain alot jeez!

LMAO thats awesome. I wanna do that to my bf now just for ***** and giggles