Look out!

By station - 05/05/2009 05:10 - United States

Today, I was walking out of the train station when an old man grabbed me. I started screaming, yelling, "HELP" like a madwoman and tried pushing him away - that's when I saw the golf cart rush past me. He was trying to push me aside from getting run over. Everyone started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 946
You deserved it 57 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

always trust old people grabbing you

For once, I actually love the first comment that was made on a new post.


41 chill out. lately im almost pro-rape because of all the bullshit sexual assault lawsuits that are allowed to **** a MAN'S life over. if a girl has ANY alcohol, it is legally rape, even if it is her boyfriend/husband. So basically if any girl has a single beer and wakes up next to someone that she wouldn't sleep with "sober" she gets to cry rape and have the man looked at like a criminal. one of my friends was suspended from school for a quarter for taking his shirt off in front of a girl, the girl freaked the **** out called the cops and everyone thinks this good man is a rapist. he was acquitted of the charges, but had to go through a LOT of bullshit for a harmless act. unless you are brutally raped, it doesn't count in my book, and every girl that thinks calling the police for a drunken hookup deserves to be raped for real so she knows the ******* difference. quit being a bitch.

With the amount of psychos out there, I can't exactly blame you for trying to defend yourself if he grabbed you from behind suddenly and was pulling you or something. If he just grabbed your arm and was trying to pull you away, then I'd say you overreacted. #31 - People have been mugged coming out of train stations before, it's not that far-fetched. People have also been murdered on a subway and in a bus, so the fact that other people were around doesn't necessarily guarantee safety.

I'm a female and while I may get crap for this, I do understand what #52 is saying. A lot of times certain women, especially college *****, go around and cry rape just because they **** some guy and realize they made a mistake or the guy ignores them afterward and they can't handle the rejection. They give a bad name to women who are REALLY raped. It is possible to get raped by your boyfriend or husband, not to mention some stranger, but there is a HUGE difference between getting raped and having sex with regret or intention to **** someone over later on. Before any woman gets mad here, I'm not saying women don't get raped; they do and it's horrible. You have to admit that the word rape is being twisted and misconstrued in law nowadays. A guy can go to a bar, meet a girl and have what he thinks is a one night stand. The girl gets upset that he never calls back, it turns out she's 16 and she runs to the cops and the man is arrested not only for rape, but statutory rape, even though her 16 year old ass went to a bar and he thought he was meeting a girl of age. It's not his job to ask her for her ID, either. Anyway, that being said, I don't think this is what the OP was getting at here. I live in New York City and you bet your ass if I get grabbed, the first thing I'm gonna do is wonder what the **** is going on and try to free myself. It's not about thinking you're all that and people want to rape you; it's about people getting in your personal space. People have pushed other people into the train tracks, robbed people, etc. in train stations over here. The old man could have yelled "Watch out!" while grabbing her to make things a bit more clear. Personally, I wouldn't scream until I felt myself being dragged somewhere or finding that I was unable to get free from the other person's grip. I think the OP had a justified reaction in this case. I highly doubt people here would feel themselves getting grabbed in a train station and go "Oh hey! It must be one of my friends! hee hee!" I just hope during the aftermath of it all, the OP said thank you to him and mentioned that he had scared her for a moment. I have to wonder what the OP did that everyone saw the golf cart and laughed and knew what the old man was doing besides her. They could have screamed and warned her as well. My guess would be that she had on headphones and was not paying attention to her surroundings.

Why would you start screaming like crazy? Are you stupid? I would not recommend taking a train..

Oh man this actually made me laugh out loud. :]

Yulia_fml 0

ugh, why does everyone say that she deserves it for thinking someone wants to rape her? Annoying as hell. If someone grabbed you with no warning, your survival instinct what kick in too, jackasses.

happygigi 0

for some reason i don't really see this as an FML. This is just you having a really retarded moment.

wooooooooooooooow so he grabbed then imediatly u say" HELP" id check who the person was first and wuts goin on YDI #55, something tells me u have a big life if u have the time 2 write all that shit down

People who think this is a YDI because she apparently thinks that "everyone wants to rape her", stop being morons. It's a dangerous world and you don't have to look like a supermodel to be attacked/raped/mugged. Being grabbed without warning is always going to set off alarm bells in your head and she wouldn't start trying to assess why he could have grabbed her, would she? Her immediate response would be to call for help and resist being pulled forcefully. I feel sorry for the guy too but it's hardly her fault for being shocked. #52, what disgusting things to say. I don't live in the US (which I imagine is where you're from) but AFAIK the rape laws are similar to in the UK, where it counts as rape ONLY if the girl is SO inebriated that she cannot give consent. So no, having one beer and then having sex would not count as rape, don't be stupid. Here in the UK, the rape conviction rate is something like 2%. Do you really think that 98% of the rape cases that gets to court (which is quite a low proportion) are made-up? Yes, some girls cry rape (presumably often really stupid naive types who don't even think of the consequences), and I HATE those girls, but it can't be a particularly high proportion of rape accusations. Saying you're "pro-rape" makes you a total bastard. "unless you are brutally raped, it doesn't count in my book" - er, what? So if you got drugged and raped when you were asleep then it would be okay and would probably mean you fancied a bit of gay sex? No. In many cases the woman walks away without much physical damage at all because she's too frightened to fight back - the rapist might have a weapon, for example, and will nearly always be stronger than her. He may have blackmailed her into it or something, as well. Rape doesn't have to be brutal for it to count and your opinions on the matter disgust me.