Look out!

By station - 05/05/2009 05:10 - United States

Today, I was walking out of the train station when an old man grabbed me. I started screaming, yelling, "HELP" like a madwoman and tried pushing him away - that's when I saw the golf cart rush past me. He was trying to push me aside from getting run over. Everyone started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 946
You deserved it 57 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

always trust old people grabbing you

For once, I actually love the first comment that was made on a new post.


What did you think he was trying to do? :S Old man in the middle of a busy train station grabs your arm. Yeah, anyone would think he was trying to mug/rape them =/

palmtrees 1

I can't believe that none of my FML's get approved, but all these stupid "I thought a guy attacked me" stories get approved. Get over yourself. Nobody cares enough about you to "attack" you.

Ae_hunt 0

I am, in fact, a guy. You're 1 for 1 so far #41...what of it?

Ae_hunt 0

Oh yeah, and for #35... While I'm sure rape is about control and all that other stuff you mentioned...are you implying that rapists don't have standards?

Rapists sometimes victim preferences. Those are not standards - those are MOs.

I can't believe so many people clicked YDI...how should you know in the matter of a second when you're beng grabbed by someone if theyre taking you or helping you? I'm sure if you just apologized he would completely understand.

Poor thing. :( I would have been initially really freaked out and alarmed by that, although I probably wouldn't have started screaming right off the bat. Still, nobody is expecting to be grabbed out of nowhere, so it's not fair to say you deserved it completely - it's a totally novel experience, and the way you react is not entirely your fault. It was just instinct. I don't think you deserved it.

why did they deserve it? who thinks it's normal from some strange man to grab you?

NoBounceNoPlay 0

lol@ #9 and lol@ the OP for acting silly.

coffeennicotine 0

Well, #49, strange men do grab people from time to time. Most people don't understand personal space. I normally stomp on toes or kick in the shin or groin and reach for my mace if it makes me uncomfortable, haha. But OP, the best way to get attacked is showing you're scared shitless of anyone who comes near you. If you're that scared, carry mace. But ALWAYS act confident, even if you're terrified. It's statistically proven to make a difference.