Lazy ass

By crizzy - 24/04/2011 00:08 - United States

Today, I dislocated my arm while trying to escape from underneath a flipped over kayak. Who saved me? My two brothers-in-law. Who didn't? My husband, because his "feet were hurting." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 698
You deserved it 4 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AKALurch 0


Sorry to say it but your husband is a little biatch.

Lunchbox3 0

This is ****** status. Try breaking your arm while flipping a kayak because your other person wanted to feel the water while going through rapids. Yeah not that fun.

This is sand in the ****** status. I knew someone who broke both legs, lost an eye, and was repeatedly violated by the local fish when his kayak flipped.

every1luvsvag 10

I've never lost a fight over a seal carcass...

lol stfu get your own status pussy lips

79 I believe the biggest point of this FML was the fact that her husband wouldn't save her because his feet hurt. So sell your damn pointless story-telling to Spike TV or something.

100 whinge elsewhere no one forced you to read it

maybe if you didn't suck at life you wouldn't need to be saved

KaskStunter 4

This is why brothers exist, to help. Your husband let his brothers to help him. If they weren't around, I'm sure he would have jumped right in.

hey, nice husband ya got there! but at least your brothers in law don't hate you, they couldve left you to your watery grave - they sound like nice guys! ;) FYL, op. don't go anywhere dangerous with your husband - you never know what he won't save you from next - sharks, lions, cannibal head hunters, who knows?!