
By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 03:03 - United States

Today, I had a panic attack because my boyfriend thought it would be sexy to choke me in the middle of sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 826
You deserved it 6 139

Same thing different taste


To 18- its sexy cuz a lil bit of pain brings a lot of pleasure ;)

x_missystaceey 0

Now that's what you call "Hardcore Sex" :D:D

IneffableLullaby 13

That's probably a good sign for your boyfriend to lay off the ****.

Why? To me it just seems like a good reason for her boyfriend to actually communicate with her more than anything.

getting choked during sex is such a turn on, no need to freak out about it lol

In all reality you should be appreciative that he even cares about you enough to help you overcome your phobia(amongst deeper darker psychological scarring that SOMEHOW or ANOTHER stemmed from one of "the usual suspects") to achieve a new level of pleasure. That...or he just thinks your too inexperienced/old fashioned/or a YSSM(abbr.)? And wanted to attempt to spice things up in bed before he gets completely bored and is left with the question EVERY man or woman on this planet has had to face(For the most part this is referenced to any person loves sex and doesnt ever wanna stop, even with the same ******/penis til they die). "Do i stay with the chick I like and have boring sex, or go find new hot tail a.k.a SLUUUUTS!!(I can say it cause ive been called a man *****, so eat it you easily offended feminists) to bang and hope for the best?" It can turn into a HELL...or every mans paradise. Though I will take in the factor that ur BF choking you (not too hard some would hope) was random/unexpected, and you were vulnerable in a "time of intimacy"...blah blah blah. "I think I just threw up in my mouth a little"-Dodgeball, just so every person thats gonna bitch and whiney about my opinion, can Kiss my White Irish ASS!! Thanks for reading!

First, it's not necessarily a phobia she has. Second, the boyfriend has no right to what he pleases to a woman without first asking her first - if he wanted sex, he needs to openly say it first or at least make sure she wants it too before he sticks his dick inside her. It's called rape, dude. The same goes for a woman - she can't just do as she pleases unless she's sure the dude's okay with it. Third, not everyone enjoys being choked during sex. Do you like ******* your partner's ass? Not everyone does. Do you like when your girl's submissive? Dominant? Great. Again, not everyone does. Do you like when your girlfriend bites you so hard in the middle of sex the skin breaks? Not everyone does. Do you have a foot/other miscellaneous fetish? No? That's because NOT EVERYONE DOES.

jdog172 0

good for's call pleasure

chika_yeaah23 0
chika_yeaah23 0

that's just called being a bitch. besides us girls want it just as much. as a little pointer. no matter what anyone says. sex IS a big part of relationships. it's fun and it matters. cuttin a person off from sex when you're dating. engaged. married whatever it is. is a big no no. guy or girl.

chika_yeaah23 0

42. look at your computer. it's the shift key. not the caps key. otherwise ALL the letters would have been capitalized. Not Just The First Letter Of Each Word.