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By doomed - 09/06/2009 01:28 - New Zealand

Today, the girl I'm in love with invited me to stay with her in Europe for 2 weeks, she's even paying for the flights and accommodation. It's because I'm such a special friend to her, and she wants me to come up to meet her fiancé before she gets married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 974
You deserved it 6 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch. Shoulda made a move on her sooner D:

randomdude1234 0

:( I'm sorry man I know what it's like to be close friends with someone your totally in love with.


hanic101 0

Maybe you'll meet somebody in Europe!

twindaddy 0

Sounds like opportunity knocked once, and that you didn't answer.

Ah my fair fellow, you’ve been condemned to the confines of the friend zone, I am so sorry for your loss.

I Hope you go for it. Maybe she does want you to give her some clarity. Hey free trip, Maybe you'd find summer love and forget her. All the best dude

Dude that sucks, but seriously you need to just put your cards on the table & tell her. You have nothing to lose but years of "what ifs".

oh noooo a free two week trip to europe how saddd. You should have made your move if you were interested. YDI for not making your move/ your situation isn't that bad.

renyark209 0

Ouch... Ive been there before... But not so much of a big deal that shes gettin married... Dont worry... Theres plenty of other fish in the sea.

just tell her the damn truth and walk away! truth works!! tell her before it is too late. your life will suck without her but will suck more when you see her marry the other oke. if she likes you more than like a friend i think you'll know about it soon after you tell her. SO MAN UP!! SAY IT for all of us who haven't!! Good luck! Peace!! and don't come back here in a few months with an FML saying the love of your life married some random dude because you didn't tell her the truth!!

Capnstinkfoot 0


Imho, when a girl does that, it often means she's having second thoughts about marrying the guy, and you still have a chance. Although it being so close to the wedding and all makes that it's mostly just last minute uncertainties and not quite real, so if you do make a move, chances are it will still fail, so it's probably not worth taking the risk and losing the friendship being too bold. I agree with #48 that telling her, just for the sake of telling her and getting that weight off your chest, might be good. At least you won't have regrets, and you never know... she might even love you back. Just make sure she knows you'll both stay friends even though you have the other feelings too.