Just dependa things

By Elis - 01/03/2009 08:49 - United States

Today, my mom bought me a t-shirt from the store. It has the U.S. Marines logo on it and says "Marine's Girlfriend." I'm a straight 16 year-old boy and my mom only reads and speaks Spanish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 739
You deserved it 4 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just teach her that thats not what it says, duh. i mean yeah english is hard to learn but still, welcome to america i guess.

Awww that's kind of cute... she didn't know! I hope you were nice about it. Its the thought that counts.


justinsbaby291 0

thats not really a FML - explain it to her and exchang the shirt.

That's actually pretty sweet. She's just trying to get her son a gift.

that's hilarious. definitely wear it anyway.

HAHAHAH didn't she notice the skirts on the next rack?

CherishFlowers 0

How cute~! Oh, and English IS hard to learn if you aren't native.

ToastedOats 0

Maybe its time for your mom to learn English. You live here you should speak the predominant language.

wheels 0

LOL i am familiar with similar cultural barriers.. a friend of mine had a b-day coming up and to be nice, her boyfriends mother from venezuela wanted to throw her a surprise party. She called and invited every single contact in my friend's contact list. Think of all the random people in your contact list and imagine them all at your birthday party LOL

Just explain what it says on the t-shirt and laugh it off with her.