Just dependa things

By Elis - 01/03/2009 08:49 - United States

Today, my mom bought me a t-shirt from the store. It has the U.S. Marines logo on it and says "Marine's Girlfriend." I'm a straight 16 year-old boy and my mom only reads and speaks Spanish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 739
You deserved it 4 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just teach her that thats not what it says, duh. i mean yeah english is hard to learn but still, welcome to america i guess.

Awww that's kind of cute... she didn't know! I hope you were nice about it. Its the thought that counts.


Firewall_fml 0

Random comment on an FML that doesnt really qualify as an FML. /Angry /Flame /End Random Comment

fadingfaith 4

1. get girlfriend 2. teach mother english 3. leave shirt at girlfriend's house 4. breakup with her 5. kill mother. problem solved.

Sure, we believe you're "straight"..... mothers are very perceptive. They often know things before their children do. You might as well go hang out at the entrance to the base to see if you can find a date for the prom. Just lookin' at the bright side, my man.

carriealana 0

Not a big deal, definitely not a FML, get over it. You don't have to wear the shirt. This isn't even very funny.

It's the thought that counts. I'd wear it anyway for the ironing, lol.

@ #5 Czech isn't hard to learn, it's actually easier than any other language I've learnt or tried to learn. And if it's your first language, I'm interested to know how you'd actually know how difficult it was. I'd suggest you wear the shirt on damn cold days when it'll be covered by a few jackets. Then your mother can believe you like it. Else you could just turn gay and be done with it.

At least she didn't do it on purpose.

Get a girlfriend and join the Marines.

whattheeff 0

LOL #1. so true. but i actually think thats really cute of her to do that for you, its the thought that counts !