
By Chelsea - 21/04/2009 05:20 - United States

Today, my mom made me clean. I was dusting in the living room and heard gunshots outside the apartment. I dove on the floor and started crying and screaming. My mom walked in and informed me that the sound was her making popcorn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 689
You deserved it 71 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gunshots =/= popcorn Come out the country. I'll show you what gunshots sound like


deliciouskaek 1

Oh, you're an idiot. There is no other explanation. I refuse to believe you've ever heard a gunshot if you really thought that microwave popcorn was gunfire. You might want to get some sort of medication for that anxiety, though. Or meditation. Yoga. Less caffeine. Power naps?

Yawn. So a whole bag would've sounded like what, Al Capone shootin' up your kitchen with the never-needs-reloading tommy gun? I mean, Come. On.

TheZephyrSon 3

FYL and YDI for being so stressy that you could mistake gunshots for gunshots. I'm thinking that either thats some loud-ass popcorn, or you've never heard a real gunshot before.

you dumb **** have you ever heard a gun? was there a megaphone by the microwave? idiot.

its shocking to me that a first world country like america has this kind of problem when are they going to realise guns are not good

ffpoisongirl 0

Trust me, if someone were shooting anywhere near your apartment, you'd know it. Wow. Apparently you've never heard a gun before.

kellster 2

I guess you've never heard either popcorn or gunshots before...

XDNLxtlz99 0

# 31, how the **** does that make the person a fag!? And OP: LMAO! that's probably what i would do too.