Judge not lest you be judged, my friend

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was riding my bike and stopped at a street light. A little girl looked at me, then asked her mother, "Mommy, why does that girl have a ring through her nose?" Her mother then replied, "Because her parents don't love her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 010
You deserved it 19 962

Top comments

you should of grunted at her like a bull

liz16 0

hahah well it has always been said piercings make a statement..


taylordianex04 0

hahahaha. i think this is mad funny. i almost peed my pants.

cyxx 0

31 you rock. I agree that most parents wouldn't want their kids to grow up and get a nose piercing - that's probably why the mom said what she did.

I'm a pierced girl and I really don't see how piercings equal trashy. Body jewelry and modification are not going anywhere people, get used to it or ignore it lol!

tiltwrestler 0

52: Yes, I do! I never said that i didn't find them "attractive"... i just pointed out that it makes them look slutty and easy. But sometimes, slutty and easy IS attractive! so in other words, guys who wanna get their dick wet and havent had sex for awhile... WILL find it attractive! but most moms dont want their daughters finding THOSE kinds of guys. they want them finding the guy who "wants to wait". and that goes back to my whole point- why the mom said that!

I don't mind piercings, I actually kinda like them. I'd have some of my own but work doesnt want us to have them. I do dislike people with like 231245325 of them though. There is a limit.

@58: To be completely fair, someone who would get a body piercing probably wouldn't consider it trashy. It, however, fits neatly into the stereotypes of things most people DO consider trashy. Preexisting notions of other people based on their choice of outward appearance has about as much chance of being quashed as notions based on unchangable appearance - get used to it or ignore it lol!

ohhhhshizzz 0

#27 & #31: You guys dont know her, and what guys look at girls with piercings as tramps? None I know, and I know quite a few. Why does it matter that she has piercings? The mom was being a bitch, and THAT is the point of this. What the kid asked doesnt matter, but what the mom said was completely uncalled for. All she had to say was "she likes them hunny." Maybe the OP doesnt have 'rents, or her 'rents actually like them and encourage freedom. You guys dont know, and neither did that mom so get over yourselves.

So... maybe she was trying to give you the hint that you were too close to her car... why else would you be able to hear this conversation otherwise?

I have my ears stretched, my tongue pierced (in two spots), and a cartilage piercing. I also have a tattoo on my forearm. And that's not including my retired piercings (second holes in ears, my conch, and three lip rings). My parents were amazing growing up and they loved (and still do) me to pieces. #31 is an idiot. No man with any intelligence assumes I am a tramp because of my body mods. And if they do, well they're as big an idiot as #31. I probably would have smiled and waived at the kid. I live in a fairly conservative area so I get looks from people a lot and little kids say lots of things. No matter what their parents say to the kid about how I look, if I smile and wave at them they generally do the same back. It's basically my way of saying "I know your mom thinks I'm a freak. But, check it out, I'm nice and I'm not going to hurt you, little dude".