Judge not lest you be judged, my friend

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was riding my bike and stopped at a street light. A little girl looked at me, then asked her mother, "Mommy, why does that girl have a ring through her nose?" Her mother then replied, "Because her parents don't love her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 010
You deserved it 19 962

Top comments

you should of grunted at her like a bull

liz16 0

hahah well it has always been said piercings make a statement..


zohbear23 0

wtf #27?? that was so rude. i currently have 9 piercings (8 on my ears and my belly button) and i want one more- my nose. my mom loves me more than anything in the world, enough to let me express myself however i want to. if your parents have conservative sticks up their asses and shelter you so much to the point where self-expression is looked down upon then there is no point in you even being apart of this discussion.

chimmy 0

#77, I think you may have misunderstood 31 though. Do you not stereotype someone in a Hollister or Abercrombie shirt at first glance? Sure, you may give her an opportunity to show her real personality, but you still have that first impression. It's an apparel/lifestyle choice, same as a piercing. 31 isn't saying that having a piercing makes a person a ****, but it gives that impression to some people. He's just speaking the truth, I'm sure you're a great person and everything and I doubt he would think you are a **** if he got to know you.

5ive 0

#3 oh i get it! since cartoon bulls have nose rings... hahaha

tiltwrestler 0

68: Hahaha wowww you're not pissed at all.... and actually babe ive NEVER had a nose piercing. girls i date have NEVER had nose piercings. and YES i do get with preppy girls most of the time. but guess what? i date them for a little bit- and i dont refer to it as simply "*******" as people of your calibur do! It's an act that isnt simply pleasurable- its loving and deep, as well. I dont have sex with girls I dont love, very very rarely have I done that, and when I have, I've regretted it. PS I know you're jealous that the hot "abercrombie wearing" chicks look better than you do... but dont be so jealous. And btw- i actually dont watch politics. I have too much of a life for that. so, uh- HOP OFF OBAMAS NUTS! because I could care less for EITHER of them. why do you automatically assume that just because i think girls are assumed to be trashy with piercings, that im some uptight conservative? I have sex and have friends and party and drink like everybody else. But unlike you- I have a soul as well. meaning, i actually value my friends and my body, and i DONT want to look like some messed up beast with all these piercings and tattoos, and i pick the girls who reflect that. get it? so F off, keep doing pothead band geeks with no future. nobody likes you anyway

Ouch. What a rude parent. Don't blame the kid, though.


lmfao. i agree with #3. you shouldve grunted at the hoe. :] i think piercings are sick and im waiting for a lip piercing myself. a septum ring would drive me crazy when i try to blow my nose.

If having piercings mean your parents don't love you, then why did my mom curse out a woman in a grocery store for staring at me and making comments about my septum/labret/snakebites?

Um just cause you have a nose ring doesn't mean you're parents don't love you...

Tbuccola 0

I hate any piercings except on ears, and for girls only. Still, that lady is a jerk!