Judge not lest you be judged, my friend

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was riding my bike and stopped at a street light. A little girl looked at me, then asked her mother, "Mommy, why does that girl have a ring through her nose?" Her mother then replied, "Because her parents don't love her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 010
You deserved it 19 962

Top comments

you should of grunted at her like a bull

liz16 0

hahah well it has always been said piercings make a statement..


Hahaha! What a fantastically stupid explanation! Poor little girl, growing up with a parent like that!

I think the girl's life is more f***ed than yours.

What a b****, I have my nose pierced along with some others, its not a big deal. That mother was being stupid and ignorant...she may have even been jealous! :-)

hahahaha #3... that would have been awesome

ohhhiiii 0

woah that is so rude of her!!what a bitch

dreams_infinity_fml 0

i agree with the lady. if you were raised properly, thus implying that you were loved, you wouldn't have had that.

truslide 0

what kind of bike were you riding? i can't imagine some goth emo ***** riding a bike

I agree with # 3- "piercings DO make a statement, and you have to be able to handle the negativity that comes along with it"

tiltwrestler 0

OMG... I made this account simply for this particular "FML" story! Look, yeah it was a cruddy thing for the mom to say. But did you ever wonder WHY she said it? OBVIOUSLY a mom doesnt want her to grow up to have piercings- for good reason! Us guys look at girls like that to be tramps. Maybe not when we get to know them, but at first, it makes them look skanky, trashy and easy. And if her mom said "because she wanted to", or something that made it seem "OK" or "good" in the girls eyes, the little girl would have a MUCH HIGHER CHANCE of growing up and getting one, than if the mom had said something like what she did! In other words, the mom said that to make the little girl frown upon nose piercings, so she would actually grow up with some class. Sh*tty thing to say? YES. Noble protective intentions for her daughter? ALSO YES. ============ as for the OP, I'm not saying theres anything wrong with her having one. But on the OTHER HAND, she NEEDS to understand that most parents are going to be turned off and averse to their kids looking like that! deal with it! its life!

Ugh. That's lame. I have my septum pierced along with a couple other piercings. People are usually fairly nice about it though. A lot of old people are just curious and I like answering their questions. I probably woulda just glared hardcore at the mom and smiled at the little girl if it were me.