Judge not lest you be judged, my friend

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was riding my bike and stopped at a street light. A little girl looked at me, then asked her mother, "Mommy, why does that girl have a ring through her nose?" Her mother then replied, "Because her parents don't love her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 010
You deserved it 19 962

Top comments

you should of grunted at her like a bull

liz16 0

hahah well it has always been said piercings make a statement..


SpunkT 0

What great mom. Raising a great little child. I hate people like that.

MukyDaCookie 0

Most likely the child's mother is projecting. For someone to be so bitter and cruel, they probably were trated with contempt and scorn by thier parents. That's why she lashed out at you. Not because of your facial jewelry. Don't blame the child for asking, it's natural for a child to ask questions. How else will they learn about something? The mom should have told her it was rude to ask questions like that instead of encouraging her. Its the parent's fault 100%

#7 It's not the kid's fault,,, it's her mom! The kid was just asking a question... but the mom responded with the ignorant comment "because her parents don't love her". She could have said something like, "because she likes having a ring in her nose."

#7 - Of course they are, they don't know any better. Kids don't come out of the womb with instant knowledge, parents have to teach them. Why kick the girl in the face for just being curious? Her mom was the one acting like a bitch instead of explaining what a nosering is.

Completely agree with #3 LOL that would be hilarious! but then again, the kid might get scared xD

leMeepO_o 0
pwnrzero 0

indian/middle eastern/s.asian people sometimes have rings through their noses i know cuz i am one

I think the op meant she had a ring in the middle little area of her nose, not a typical nose ring ( the stud or tiny hoop kind that is so common).

jorygirly 0

lmfao #3. grunt like a bull. hahah. so true. im sorry. little kids with their moms are so rude and disrespectful