Joyful news!

By AGeeksWife - 12/09/2012 07:03 - United States - Saukville

Today, I learned that I'm expecting twins. A boy and a girl. My husband, upon finding out about this, immediately suggested that we give them Star Wars names. But not Luke and Leia. Oh no. He wants to name them Darth and Vayda. And he is absolutely serious about this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 362
You deserved it 4 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You may as well have a lawyer on retainer for when they both want to change their names on their 18th birthday. Vayda is actually kind of cool. At least he doesn't want Yoda or Jar Jar.

Oh dear. Hope you told him where to shove those suggestions.


my question is... would you have said yes to Luke and Leia?

What's wrong with that? Seems like a great plan to me!

Are you kidding? I'd be best friends with them!

He is probably joking, so cool your ****.

It would be impossible to have a boy and a girl if they were identical twins. Fraternal twins, though, can be of different genders. Please study a bit more biology. As a woman, it's important to know some things...

You can have identical boy/girl twins. Did you see Jack and Jill? (totally kidding, actually gave birth to fraternal boy girl twins three weeks ago)

Although they are unique names, I wouldn't name them that... Unless you WANT your kids to hate you... Then go ahead. Lol