Introvert struggles

By knife knife - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Dalkeith

Today, I ate out, even though I was tired. When my main course arrived, I realised I had sent both my forks away with the starter plate. Rather than say anything, I ate dinner with two knives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 914
You deserved it 15 451

Same thing different taste


Why would you have been embarrassed to ask for another fork? So you made a mistake, you're a human being, things happen. The hands move quicker than the eyes sometimes. It's okay. If that small of a thing happened I would hate to think of how you would handle something big or serious.

I use to be shy like that but when you are not like that anymore you will begin to feel better and stronger and won't think anything about simple mistakes like that. You will speak up right away like you are in control of the situation and feel confident about it.

As a man with anxiety himself, I have to say that this doesn't make sense. If it is to avoid embarrasment, then you're doing the exact opposite of what you could have done instead. "Excuse me, I've misplaced my fork somehow, can I bother you for a replacement? Thank you!" That'd be it, since it is part of their job to make sure dinners have what they need while there, but you gotta speak up for them to do so.

Jesus, you're not a child, ask for a godamn fork

Wow. Why didn't you just ask for a fork? I really dont get this. You could have easily asked for a fork but chose not to. ydi

Wadlaen 23

I would have loved to witness that at a restaurant!