Introvert struggles

By knife knife - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Dalkeith

Today, I ate out, even though I was tired. When my main course arrived, I realised I had sent both my forks away with the starter plate. Rather than say anything, I ate dinner with two knives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 914
You deserved it 15 450

Same thing different taste


Maybe she was just to tired for a confrontation lol

You deserve it, there is no world where you don't deserve this

I'm trying to decide whether it's funnier to visualize you eating soup, or spaghetti with those knives. With the soup, I get to imagine you blowing it on the knife because it's too hot. With the spaghetti, I can picture you twirling it around with your 2 knives and carefully trying to put it into your mouth while avoiding the bladed end. I'm sooo tempted to try this myself the next time I go out so I can laugh at everyone's reaction to me doing that.

Sometimes life is just more enjoyable living it dangerous.

How were you not more embarrassed of eating with two knives than just asking for a new fork? I'm surprised your waiter didn't notice when they checked on you after you got your meal that there wasn't a fork on your plate or in your hand.

So.. I guess "asking" isn't a thing where you live..

Maybe Indian it up, depending upon what you were having.